5 Ways you’re already using restorative practices

Originally published at: https://www.sociocracyforall.org/5-ways-youre-already-using-restorative-practices/

5 Ways you’re already using restorative practices and how to become even more restorative when using sociocracy   “Don’t tell anyone else we’ve trained, but this is by far the most restorative school I’ve ever seen.”   I was shocked to hear that from the restorative practices trainer who visited our school. At the time,…

I really appreciate systems based solutions, but it’s easy to think that just using Sociocracy alone is enough, I appreciate how this article acknowledges that even the best systems don’t solve all our human problems and that it takes culture and practice to realize it! (that’s the Core Agreements, Relationship Building and Conflict resolution!)

Really appreciating this article Hope!