Hi there,
SoMBu just announced the “AZ Sociocracy Journey” - an easy and joyful journey through sociocracy.
For the 1st edition we have participants from all over the world: Brazil, India, USA, Romania, Indonesia, Sweden, South Africa, Slovenia etc.
As the available places are limited, we just closed the registration process for the 1st edition but …
We also just started the registration process for the 2nd “AZ Sociocracy Journey” edition:
You can send an email to
adrian.zarif@sociocracyforall.org specifying your intention and commitment and you can register in de “AZ Sociocracy Journey” 2nd edition right now.
The 2nd “AZ Sociocracy Journey” edition will probably start on January 29, 2024 and will last for another 10 weeks. You and your friends or co-workers are welcome to join us.
The 1st “AZ Sociocracy Journey” will begin on October 30, 2023 and will last till January 22. 2024, when the people who were committed to actively participate in all the sessions will graduate, hoping “cum laude”.
The series of 10 weekly sessions will be on each Monday, from 14:00 UTC for more than 100 min/session.
We will have plenty of time (more than 1.000 min) to explore, discover, understand, learn and practice sociocracy as it works in real life situations.
We will also have time for clarifying questions and personal reflections rounds.
In addition to the training sessions, I am available to organize sessions dedicated to sociocracy practice, starting with the modeling of a sociocratic organization structure and ending with sociocratic facilitation exercises, formulating proposals and making decisions by consent (this includes exercises of integrating possible objections).
The timeframe dedicated to sociocracy practice is on each Monday from 12:30 UTC to 14:00 UTC. I recommend all the participants to check their local time as it is stated in th Google Calendar provided for the event.
The audience of “AZ Sociocracy Journey” is worldwide so English is mandatory for understanding the provided information or to participate in exercises and reflections rounds.
I guess the 2nd edition will continue our globally growing trend, as sociocracy, as an alternative of organizing and working together while deciding together tends to become “the new normal” in communities, organizations, companies, start-ups, co-ops and often in teams (at work).
For obvious reasons, each edition has limited places for attendances, so in case you are interested to participate in our 2nd edition we offer you the opportunity to register in time (right now), by emailing your intention and reasons to adrian.zarif@sociocracyforall.org.
The 2nd “AZ Sociocracy Journey” edition will probably start on January 29, 2024 and will last for another 10 weeks. You and your friends or co-workers are welcome to join us.
There is a warning, though … By participating in the “AZ Sociocracy Journey” your life will not stay the same anymore …
In case you want to become a member of “AZ Community”, you can subscribe by sending an email to adrian.zarif@sociocracyforall.org specifying your intention and reasons to become a member of our community dedicated to exploring sociocracy.
For our members we will provide special offers for training, practice and implementation of sociocracy in real life circumstances.
Seniority in the community will count, so if you’re interested in sociocracy, it’s useful to join our community sooner rather than later. The choice is yours, of course.
You can subscribe to the following newsletters:
“AZ Sociocracy”
“AZ Sociocracy Talks”:
“AZ Sociocracy Talks” is for all those interested in sociocracy talks, globally.
We invite you to join us in this easy and joyful journey through sociocracy and eventually participate on our sociocracy talks globally. Why? Because gradually sociocracy tends to become “the new normal” …
I’m grateful I’m a working member of Sociocracy For All which is a great sociocracy knowledge provider worldwide.
People are “hungry”… They are looking right now for a more inclusive and participatory environment in which to live and work. Let’s spread and enjoy sociocracy together.
Are you ready? Let’s do it!