C&R: What if there are more people doing a particular kind of work than there should be circle members in a circle? (For example, 80 volunteers doing the same task.)

To start, select suitable workers into the policy-making circle, with transparent and appropriate qualifications and with limited turns. While operating, make sure to get potentially all workers’ input on policy questions.

It all depends on the ratio between the number of policy-makers and workers. 15 people mowing the lawns with 5 of them being policy makers in the landscaping circle might work. Yet, 80 people making phone calls in a call center with only 4 of them being policy-makers might easily become a problem. Sociocracy was made for situations where decision-makers and workers are basically the same people. Beyond a certain ratio between workers and decision-makers, sociocracy needs serious tweaks to make it work. An example for that is governance of platforms.

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