Connecting and sharing information in community

Recently, our community has been talking about how we can share information in multiple forms and in broad, inviting ways. This is important to us because we believe information invites connection. Well shared information can inspire people to contribute which brings more information and the possibility of more connection.

Information as invitation
Our community members vary in degrees of sightedness and some of us require information to be shared through sound. We are experimenting with audio recording, presenting training materials in podcast form, and we are exploring ways to give circle reports outside of meetings through audio.

Some community members have reported difficulty with information shared in text form, preferring visual and aural forms. In addition to audio options we’ve started using colorful information graphics that can supplement text.

One recent example includes a “pie chart art” project inspired by the work of artist Greg Colson. Community members responded to a questionnaire, saying what they most want from community and what they fear about community (also, what they most dislike about non-sociocratically run meetings and most appreciate about sociocratic meetings. I’ll post those when they’re done). The visuals are bright and simplistic, and- maybe for this very reason- an entry point into deeper discussion.

As our community develops we are learning that the way we share information is vitally important.
What are you finding?
How does your community share information that welcomes and supports community members?
What helps your community members feel included, invited, and eager to contribute?


More community pie chart art hot from the oven