Consenting, Objecting and Stepping-Aside

Consenting, Objecting and Stepping-Aside

The phrase “step-aside” is historically used in consensus decision-making. Someone does not agree with a proposal but “steps-aside” to let the proposal be approved at the meeting.
The challenging part of stepping aside is that the person who steps aside is not joining in responsibility for the decision. And leads to the possibility of that person coming back later and saying “I told you so” or “I never agree with that in the first place.”

For that reason, we do not use stepping-aside in consent decision-making. We ask people to object if they think the proposed action will harm the community’s (or the circle’s) ability to work towards its aims. In considering whether or not to consent to a proposal, we make the distinction in sociocracy between preference and range of tolerance. In the Pioneer Valley Cohousing Community where I live, we have been struggling with a proposal to drop the words “Pioneer Valley” because of her colonial implications. In this case, for example, someone could say “I prefer keeping the name Pioneer Valley, but dropping the name is within my range of tolerance. It is in my range of tolerance because I don’t think it will harm the community to drop PV.” This is different than stepping aside because the reluctant person here is sharing the responsibility of the decision.

In sociocracy, unlike consensus, there is also no concept of “block.” If anyone objects to a proposal, then we all share the responsibility to consider if we are moved by the objection to drop the proposal or to find some safe-enough way to amend it so that we may move forward and learn from our experience. As the slogans say, we are looking for a way forward that is “safe enough to try” and “good enough for now,” knowing that, in many cases, taking smaller steps now will bring greater clarity to our longer journey.

Semantics can be meaningful for people. As a non-Christian and influenced by Quakers, I would not “swear on the bible.” I would affirm to tell the truth as best as I am able. In a consent round, saying “I consent” may be difficult for someone because, although they are not objecting, saying I consent may express too strong a yes and not be consistent with their sense of integrity. Alternatively, one can say things like “I have no objection” or “This proposal is not my preference but I will not object because I believe taking a step forward and learning from the experience is in the better interest of the community than leaving things as they are.” Whatever words we use (block, consensus, standing aside or objection/concern, and consent), what matters is this: does the member who was trying to stand aside request that the proposal be changed, or not?

As a facilitator, I listen to how people say “I consent” or “No objection,” and if I am not convinced about their true sentiments, I may say something like “I want to make sure you are truly not objecting rather than caving to peer pressure. Can you speak to that?”

Ultimately, none of us really know what we are doing. We are simply making guesses, judgment calls, that we hope will keep us moving towards greater connection. What matters is that we walk together, and are willing to share our path forward as co-responsible members of our circles and organizations.


Very good point. The consequences of just “stepping aside” are huge and unexpected …

This concept is very useful if people want to keep going. It was unknown for me till I “discovered” sociocracy in WDWD and MVOS. Sometimes on our journey there are zones with no ground, but ice. Then, to keep our balance but still go forward we have to make small steps, even a few centimeters a time. I also liked the concept of “enough clear”. When authentic searching for clarity using clarifying questions, listening, reflections and constructive feedback become a habit, we are more prepared to cooperate and work together, sustaining our consented decisions as a group as well as individuals. That’s why this concept seems to me as being necessary when we are looking to build any solid foundation.

Well, it confirmed for me that we have something to find and learn lifelong. This concept of asking somebody who said that they have no objection to speak about this is quite new for me, but I agree it is a very useful check of the authenticity and may consolidate somebody’s decision to consent or escape the pressure of the group and talk about his/her own feelings and needs. Thank you for mentioning this.

Forum is an amazing tool for asynchronous communication. I thank all those who make this possible! :pray: