DAOs and sociocracy

What SoFA members are involved in DAOs (as consultants or members)?

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I am actively involved in a DAO-style organization and have contact with a couple others. Very interested in how distributed ledgers can help automate policy decisiones made by sociocratic circles and help raise funds from the wider community. :upside_down_face:


Just bumping this up - any other people involved in DAOs?

I have been involved in a few as a contributor :slight_smile:

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Which ones @unai.gaztelu ?
Just curious. And what did you do there?

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I hold tokens of some others, which is sometimes understood as being a “member”.
Some that I find interesting are: Token Engineering Commons, Gitcoin or Giveth (which afaik runs sociocratically).

@TedRau what is the current “relationship” of SoFA with the DAO/crypto world? Any work being done in that area? What is your interest on it? Just watched this :star_struck:


I’ve talked with a number of people. There were talks at our conference.

But there’s no institutional connection. Might be fun to have a sector circle eventually.


Photrek and its collaborators have been advancing the governance of blockchain ecosystems for several years. That R&D has culminated in a new paper on Sociocratic Pluralism. We examine the role of plural voting, decentralized identifiers, and sociocracy in improving the efficiency and efficacy of decentralized governance.

Sociocratic Pluralism governance for blockchain ecosystems

Plural voting is an important way to allow community members to express the strength of their opinions while properly pricing influence through a quadratic scale.

Self-sovereign identity is a critical aspect of governance given the need for privacy and accountability.

While blockchain governance focuses on on-chain systems, off-chain methods are also critical for success. Sociocracy’s use of scientific-like peer review to arrive at consent decisions maintains decentralization while assuring effectiveness.