Dear Advocates, we want to meet the parents

Hi Friend. Thanks for your question.
Here’s some of what fellow Advocates had to say:

  • It’s important to make it easy for young families to participate. Can the community help with childcare during meeting times? Can the meetings be scheduled at better times for them?

  • Are there clear member expectations? Do you gather and share feedback about member engagement? Can people contribute without participating in meetings? Are there “buddies” who can find out what matters to them then, based on their answers, connect them with the right circles?

  • Help these families connect socially with the community first. That can increase interest and engagement. Make it fun for the kids, and use Zoom for playing, not just meetings.

  • Sociocracy training can help a lot. Our community members train in sociocracy first, then they start attending meetings. Knowing the basics and the community values our meetings are founded on help people engage, and knowing the values - the reasons we do what we do - can be motivating.

Anything you’d like to add? Please share it, and click HERE for more information about the Advocates Community of Practice.

Are you a member of an intentional community and want to join the Advocates? Sign up HERE.
Our next meeting is June 12th. We’d love to see you!

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