Hi Looking. Thanks for your question.
Here’s what fellow Advocates have to say:
Consider forming a Heart Circle to help folks get connected. The Heart Circle can be tasked with fostering deeper relationships on Zoom and in person.
Have community building time in Full Circle. Gather as a community and explore what is going on with you now. Talk about why this project matters to you and what you want for the community going forward. Review your community’s vision, mission and aim together. Explore how the group is enacting your values.
Does trust need to be developed in the community? If so, you might start with relational skill building, like this NVC training, and by encouraging and supporting constructive feedback in your meetings’ closing rounds.
Host social events that invite discovery and collaboration. What about holding Offers and Needs Markets (OANM) in your community? The OANM could help you discover each other’s interests and skills, and it can be a fun, meaningful way to support one another.
Any more recommendations, please share them here.
Are you a member of an intentional community with questions of your own? Come to our next Advocates Community of Practice gathering on May 8th.
Want more information? Write to advocates.signup@sociocracyforall.org.