Diversity & Different Opinions
(learn by listening / share by speaking)
I was in countless situations where my opinions were partially or completely different from those of my interlocutors.
When I was young, I often tried to convince them that I was right.
Over time, I started to listen to other views.
I can’t tell you how much I learned from what others said.
Sometimes I learned “how to do”, otherwise I learned “how not to do”.
Different opinions sometimes helped me strengthen my own opinion and sometimes gave me reasons to change my opinion.
Paying attention to what other people have to say always made me richer and wiser.
I learned not to neglect other people’s opinions.
Everybody has needs to fulfill and anything else is just strategy.
We could reach a situation where we argue over strategies, but there is not much room for arguing about needs.
In fact, we all have the same needs, just their weight at a given moment in everyone’s life differs.
So, we could find our common ground on the needs layer, then we could agree about a strategy that works “for all”.
Your friend,
because I care
Quote from MVOS - 4.2.1 Beyond right and wrong lies creativity
“With everyone’s needs on the table, a strategy may be found that works for everyone. […] We are rarely short on strategies once we have clarity about needs. The more information we have, the more we are in choice about what strategy works best in that moment.”
My words are “my voice”. My words represent my thoughts and my feelings, but they don’t represent anybody else. Best wishes!