Do you think getting to know each other helps us trust each other?

Do you think getting to know each other helps us trust each other?


My passion is about communication.

I am a telecom engineer and I studied how computers communicate with each other.

They send a signal announcing that they want to communicate something to another computer (a connection request).

When the remote computer senses the call, it sends feedback when it is ready to connect with the computer that initiated the communication process.

When the connection is confirmed, data is exchanged in both directions, with each computer requesting confirmation that the other received the data successfully, performing compliance checks based on a pre-established protocol.

What would be the point if computers would continuously transmit data that are not received?

It all starts with a connection request and ends with an agreement to stop the communication process. Computers communicate correctly and efficiently based on a communication protocol.

Couldn’t we train ourselves in the “art of conversation”?

Yes, I am passionate about purposeful conversations.

What are you passionate about?

What is the dominant question in your mind?

I invite you to get to know each other.

I would appreciate any feedback from you.

I would really like to know you, if possible.


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I studied turn taking in natural language (in linguistics), and it’s quite interesting too. There IS already an art of conversation but typically only between small groups of people.
For example, let’s say someone wants to talk to you at a party, they might make eye contact or tap you on the shoulder.

When I studied that, the funniest thing I read is that when you’ve already made connection, it’s rude to do it again. (example children that play the annoying game of calling “Ted!” - “yes?” - “Ted?”)
And that’s why we get annoyed when our phone rings and keeps ringing. It’s like someone keeps tapping on our shoulder with connection requests.

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Right! I understand the point. However, kids seem to be continuously connected, almost as we are connected to the internet :grinning:, but adults are sometimes busy with all kinds of tasks, including raising their kids who most of the time don’t care about their parents responsibilities. It seems that they are in another world. I have six kids (three girls and three boys - so fifty/fifty) and I say this from my own perspective and experiences. I like sociocracy also because it facilitates the access of other people’s experiences and so our chance to understand and to adapt increases significantly. Yes, if a solid connection agreement between people is already in place, there is a chance to renounce the “token” (or flag) and communicate asynchronously in a human significant way, as everybody’s attention is usually split towards many tasks. Thank you for sharing your feedback with me. It is interesting, it is useful and made me feel more connected. I appreciate it a lot! :pray:

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