Event: Self Governance for the Great Turning with Ted Rau - Saturday, October 7, 2023

Saturday, October 7 at 8am PDT (UTC -7)

Check what time this will be for you here.

Saturday, October 7 at 8am PDT (UTC -7)

Check what time this will be for you here.


"This event is important to me - since we really have to ask ourselves whether how we’re spending our time is what’s needed right now.

I ask myself that a lot (even a little too much recently), and that’s why I’m glad to be connected to Work That Reconnects, a (sociocratic) organization stewarding Joanna Macy’s work.

Macy’s concept of the Great Turning refers to a societal shift from an industrial growth society that harms the planet and its inhabitants to a life-sustaining society rooted in ecological principles, social justice, and spiritual fulfillment.

What role does governance have to play in that?"

Ted Rau

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