How does decision-making work in sociocracy?

In sociocracy, decision-making follows a consent-based process that aims to include the input of all members of the circle and promote effective and efficient decision-making.
Here is an overview of how decision-making works in sociocracy:

  1. Proposal Development:

Any member of the circle can initiate a proposal. The proposal outlines a specific decision or action to be taken and should be clearly defined and aligned with the organization’s purpose and policies.

  1. Consent Seeking:

Once a proposal is made (by a member, by a group of members or eventually a helping circle formed for making the proposal), it is presented to the relevant circle or team for consideration. The members of the circle have an opportunity to ask clarifying questions, seek understanding and offer feedback (reflections, concerns or even objections).

  1. Objections:

In sociocracy, objections play a crucial role. An objection is raised if a member believes that the proposal would negatively impact the circle’s / organization’s purpose, policies, or the ability to achieve the consented goals. Objections should be based on reasoned arguments and should address the proposal’s impact rather than personal preferences.

  1. Integrative Decision-Making:

When an objection is raised, it triggers a process of integrative decision-making. The person making the proposal and the objector(s) usually work together to find a solution that addresses the objection while still achieving the proposal’s intended outcome. This collaborative process aims to integrate perspectives and reach a solution that everyone can consent to.

  1. Consent:

Consent means that there are no reasoned objections that would directly impact the circle’s / organization’s purpose or policies. It is not unanimity or consensus. Consent assumes that members trust each other’s judgment and that there is a willingness to move forward unless there is a legitimate and reasoned objection.

  1. Consent Evaluation:

Circle members assess whether the proposal is “good enough for now” and “safe enough to try”. In fact, people decide if the proposal is acceptable enough to be implemented, even if it may not be the best possible solution. If there are no reasoned objections that would prevent implementation, consent is given, and the proposal moves forward and becomes a decision.

  1. Iteration and Feedback:

Sociocracy encourages a feedback loop to evaluate the impact of decisions and their effectiveness. If a decision proves to be ineffective or needs adjustment, the circle can initiate a new proposal or modify the existing one through the consent-based process.

By utilizing the consent-based decision-making process, sociocracy aims to balance the need for inclusivity, efficiency, and effectiveness.

It allows for rapid decision-making, fosters collaboration, and empowers members to participate actively in shaping the circle’s / organization’s direction to fulfil its aims according to the domain (shared area of authority).

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Best wishes.