How important are networking, building new relationships and finding new allies in sociocracy?

Networking, building new relationships, and finding new allies are essential elements in sociocracy, as they contribute to the success, growth, and sustainability of sociocratic organizations and communities.

Here’s why these aspects are important:

  1. Collaboration and Shared Learning:

Networking allows sociocratic organizations and communities to connect with like-minded individuals and groups. It provides opportunities for collaboration and shared learning, where experiences, best practices, and challenges can be exchanged, leading to continuous improvement.

  1. Expanding Influence and Impact:

Building new relationships and finding new allies can help sociocratic organizations extend their influence and impact. By forming partnerships and alliances, they can pool resources, expand their reach, and work towards common goals, creating a more significant positive effect.

  1. Support and Resources:

Networking and finding new allies provide access to additional support and resources. Whether it’s obtaining funding, expertise, or mentorship, having a network of allies can enhance the organization’s capacity to address challenges and seize opportunities.

  1. Diverse Perspectives:

Engaging with new individuals and groups brings diverse perspectives and fresh insights to the organization or community. Embracing diverse viewpoints fosters creativity, adaptability, and a broader understanding of complex issues.

  1. Cultivating Trust and Collaboration:

Building relationships and alliances are grounded in trust and cooperation. Trusting relationships create a safe space for open communication, vulnerability, and constructive conflict resolution, enabling better decision-making and problem-solving.

  1. Resilience and Adaptability:

Sociocratic organizations that maintain a robust network and alliances tend to be more resilient and adaptable to changing circumstances. They can draw upon the support and expertise of their allies during times of challenge or uncertainty.

  1. Innovation and Growth:

Networking exposes organizations to new ideas, innovations, and opportunities for growth. It encourages them to stay current with industry trends and embrace continuous improvement to remain competitive and relevant.

  1. Amplifying Voice and Impact:

By connecting with like-minded organizations and communities, sociocratic entities can amplify their voice on important issues. Together, they can advocate for positive change and work towards shared societal goals.

  1. Fostering a Supportive Ecosystem:

Sociocracy is strengthened by a supportive ecosystem of interconnected organizations and individuals. A network of allies creates a community of practice, where collective wisdom and experiences contribute to the advancement of sociocracy as a governance and decision-making model.

  1. Sociocracy Ambassadors:

Having “Sociocracy Ambassadors” would be of real use for any sociocratic organization or community. “Sociocracy Ambassadors” could explore the social and economic environment, identifying new people, communities and organizations interested to discover, learn, practice or implement sociocracy.

In conclusion, networking, building new relationships, and finding new allies are vital components of sociocracy’s success.

These aspects enhance collaboration, diversity of thought, and resilience, contributing to the growth and positive impact of sociocratic organizations and communities.

By nurturing these relationships, sociocratic entities can thrive and collectively contribute to building a more sustainable and equitable world.

If you want to share your personal reflections on this topic, please feel free to do so in a comment below. Thank you.

Best wishes!


  1. Start here:

  2. Sociocracy – basic concepts and principles:

  3. Why Sociocracy For All (SoFA)?

  4. Social Justice Statement of Sociocracy For All:

  5. Sociocracy For All in the news

  6. Sociocracy basic resources

  7. SoFA Membership - Why join Sociocracy For All?

  8. Sociocracy Training

  9. More sociocracy resources: articles and videos

  10. SoFA events

  11. Many Voices One Song – A sociocracy manual

  12. Who Decides Who Decides? - How to start a group so everyone can have a voice!

  13. Let’s decide together - The definitive guidebook for practicing decision-making with children

  14. Meeting Evaluation Cards - This is the Meeting Evaluation Cards product by Sociocracy For All

  15. Case studies

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