How to try on new perspectives in sociocracy?

Trying on new perspectives in sociocracy involves actively seeking and considering alternative viewpoints to gain a broader understanding of complex issues and make more informed decisions.

Here are some steps to encourage trying on new perspectives within a sociocratic context:

  1. Create a Culture of Openness:

Foster an environment where all circle members feel comfortable expressing diverse opinions and perspectives. Emphasize the value of different viewpoints and encourage respectful dialogue.

  1. Promote Active Listening:

Practice active listening during circle discussions. Encourage members to listen attentively to others without interrupting and to seek clarification when needed.

  1. Encourage Objections:

Invite circle members to express reasoned objections during discussions. This encourages individuals to explore and challenge assumptions and potential blind spots in the proposed ideas.

  1. Rotate Roles:

Consider rotating circle roles periodically. Different roles offer varying perspectives and experiences, providing individuals with new insights and understandings.

  1. Use Role Play:

Use role-playing exercises to explore situations from different angles. Assign participants to represent various stakeholders or perspectives related to the issue being discussed.

  1. Bring in External Perspectives:

Occasionally invite external experts or stakeholders to circle meetings to offer their insights on specific topics. External perspectives can shed new light on issues and spark innovative solutions.

  1. Use “Consent Mapping”:

Utilize “consent mapping” to visualize where members stand on certain issues. This exercise helps identify areas of agreement and divergence, fostering discussions about different viewpoints. This exercise will bring more clarity on the process of synthesizing a proposal that finally will work for all, being “good enough for now and safe enough to try”.

  1. Diversity and Inclusion:

Encourage diversity and inclusion within the circle. A diverse group of individuals brings a wide range of perspectives and experiences to the table, enriching the decision-making process.

  1. Practice Empathy:

Cultivate empathy within the circle. Encourage members to put themselves in others’ shoes and consider how different perspectives might be shaped by unique experiences.

  1. Solicit Feedback:

Regularly seek feedback from circle members on how well they feel their perspectives are being heard and considered. Address any concerns to ensure everyone feels valued and included.

  1. Challenge Assumptions:

Encourage members to question assumptions and biases that may influence their own perspectives. Emphasize the importance of critically evaluating beliefs and seeking evidence to support them.

  1. Value Learning and Growth:

Emphasize learning and growth as primary objectives within the circle. Celebrate instances where members have embraced new perspectives and used them to enrich discussions and decision-making.

By actively trying on new perspectives, sociocratic circles can harness the collective intelligence of their members, enhance creativity, and make more holistic and well-informed decisions.

Embracing diverse viewpoints enriches the organization’s adaptability and strengthens its ability to address complex challenges effectively.

If you want to share your personal reflections on this topic, please feel free to do so in a comment below. Thank you.

Best wishes!


  1. Start here:

  2. Sociocracy – basic concepts and principles:

  3. Why Sociocracy For All (SoFA)?

  4. Social Justice Statement of Sociocracy For All:

  5. Sociocracy For All in the news

  6. Sociocracy basic resources

  7. SoFA Membership - Why join Sociocracy For All?

  8. Sociocracy Training

  9. More sociocracy resources: articles and videos

  10. SoFA events

  11. Many Voices One Song – A sociocracy manual

  12. Who Decides Who Decides? - How to start a group so everyone can have a voice!

  13. Let’s decide together - The definitive guidebook for practicing decision-making with children

  14. Meeting Evaluation Cards - This is the Meeting Evaluation Cards product by Sociocracy For All

  15. Case studies

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