The Intentional Communities Circle wants to host a SoFA sector conference in the first half of November 2021. What should be our topics? Who would be great presenters? sessions in Spanish and Portuguese? Other languages? How do we best use our connections with the Global Ecovillage Network, with the Foundation for Intentional Communities, with Cohosuing US and other cohousing associations?
Hm… I’d love to see a survey or something like that for topics. What do people absolutely need? My quick brain dump is
- How to start a community
- How to transition from the existing model to sociocracy
- Already sociocratic: how we train our new people
- Conflict resolution and sociocracy (Care and Counsel?)
- good mechanisms of getting feedback;
- good mechanisms of feeding info back to the community (announcements, accountability etc)
- community circle structure swap!
I’d ask partner orgs to co-host, and I’d ask those among them who have first-hand experience in sociocratic orgs to present.
Personally (as part of conference circle), I am not fully convinced that all the language communities have to have their events on the same day unless all talks have live interpreting (we could book a service; Beatriz knows more and has contacts, I’ve been interpreted in an event she hosted) - so there’s benefit on visiting each other’s community.
Here’s a topic: A place for everybody. What about the folks who float outside of the circle structure?
- Governance Documents
- The Board of Directors/Mission Circle in a sociocratic community
- Sociocracy in the Global Ecovillage Network
- Who Decides Who Decides - the very beginning of a community
- Sociocracy and the interface with the professional developer
- Whole community meetings in sociocratic communities
- Limits of sociocracy: when communities vote or make decisions by consensus
- Levels of sociocratic implementation
- Health Check: reviewing and improving your implementation
- Meaningful Orientations to sociocracy in communities that have adopted sociocracy
- What does NVC have to do with sociocracy?
- Renters, relatives, lovers, neighbors: the Inclusive Community (or Rights and Responsibilities of community members who are names are not on the deed.
A panel with presenters from FIC, GEN and CohoUS (Coho Canada?), followed by networking session where people can go visit them or visit SoFA or just visit in an open room (that can do breakouts)
Second the vote for how to train new people.
Tomorrow (July 15/21), Cohousing Hamilton is hosting a Zoom session to role play Role Improvement Review. Would a recording of that session be of interest for conference content under “Health Check: reviewing and improving our implementation”?
It would be useful in all kinds of ways!!! Please share it when you’re done!! @kathleen.livingston
BTW, I had my performance review yesterday, and I am making it available for people to watch. Not too widely (it was the real process after all) but still.
Show and Tell and communities of practice (open Q&A session)
Show and tell about organizational membership