July 2023 - Let’s Work Together for Sociocracy Skills

Hello dear SoFA Academy 2023 fellows,

!!! We already have 8 days with 2 people. You could be the 3rd to complete the circle.

We just started the second half of the year. In case you are looking for opportunities to practice and work for the Academy badges, please note that I am eager to participate in your working group or to form a group with you and other interested colleagues.

I share with you a Doodle link with my available timeframes. You can check your prefered days and time slots and see how we can synchronize our time frames and schedule some meetings to work together for our Academy 2023 badges.

I’m proud to be a student in SoFA 2023 Academy and to enjoy your companionship in this amazing learning journey.

!!! We already have 8 days with 2 people. You could be the 3rd to complete the circle.

Best wishes.

p.s. If you are not yet a SoFA Academy 2023 student, you are also welcome. I guess we all have to learn from each other and from our real life sociocracy experiences. Moreover, if in the future you choose to become a student in SoFA Academy, these experiences will benefit you in every way. Even if you won’t attend the Academy, the opportunity to practice sociocracy will directly contribute to improving your sociocratic skills.

!!! We already have 8 days with 2 people. You could be the 3rd to complete the circle.

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