logkeeping team: @john.l.clark @nathalie.szycher @pcarmona
Backlog (incomplete)
- Updating references to operational roles in Kumu (for example https://app.asana.com/0/1188148581245492/1205594651976382)
- 2023–2024 year transition work (for example minutes template updates, minutes document transitions)
- Review Google Workspaces Best Practices
- How does IT circle understand the Google Workspace Best Practices? Idea: Renaming and moving from ‘Documentation’ to ‘Policies’
- how do we display CoP in our org diagram?
- review Help Desk Directory (logkeeping/ IT support):
- how do we better prepare for conferences in the future?
- offer GH training - did outreach reply?
- Kumu operational roles audit
- schedule next training (see notes 06-27)
- circle role holder orientation
- visit circles after their meeting
- logkeeping tasks on asana/ ‘logkeeping’ tag
- circle summries in Kumu
- flow of logkeeping tasks on the Support Kanban
12-12 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 60 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements: none
- Next meeting:
Agenda formation
- Updating references to operational roles in Kumu (for example https://app.asana.com/0/1188148581245492/1205594651976382)
- looking at asana tasks
- 2023–2024 year transition work (for example minutes template updates, minutes document transitions)
→ continue in SoFA coworking tomorrow
Check out
11-28 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 60 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements: none
- Next meeting: Dec 12 1600UTC
Agenda formation
- How rigid are we with Google Best Practice, in particular firstname.lastname@sociocracyforall.org policy?
- check importance and needs
- we can do firstname@sofa as exception
- also briefly looking into GH permissions
- sign-up to forum for everyone?
- it’s open at the moment
- we like the openness
- we assumed that this was clear
- some spaces are restricted (SoFA member category, Organizational Learners)
- could make this more intentions in S3 circle
- regular reminders about Sociocracy topics? like a sociocracy “drip”?
- what to call it?
- regularly reminding us about sociocracy ideas
- sociocracy review? curate it?
- sociocracy reminder?
- AZ sociocracy → have it a category or a tag?
- clean up tags at some point?
- sociocracy daily?
- sociocracy takes?
- sociocracy perspectives <3 and different tags
- also conversation about marketing (for ones self)
- take into S3 circle
- who decides on the categories on the forum? → S3
- domain question about forum and information flow → add proposal to S3 backlog (Nathalie)
- operational decision about new category
- Kumu updates update, Nathalie hasn’t been working on it since last Wednesday, but hasn’t any more questions
Check out
- nice fluent meeting
11-08 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie, Pame
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 30 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements:
- Nathalie traveling next week
- John busy with french book
- Next meeting: Nov 28th, 1600 UTC
Agenda formation
- GH training → Nathalie will take care if that’s ok?
- totally happy to do this
- checkin in
- behind on role audit, lower priority
- work on org diagram changes, orient Nathalie (will meet with John tomorrow)
- Pame did changes on map
- a lot to do, but capacity issues
- leave it here for today
Check out
10-31 meeting
We did a short check-in, but didn’t take any notes
10-17 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie, Pame
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 60 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements:
- Next meeting: Oct 31th (check calendar!)
Agenda formation
- review last time agenda
- Q: link between forum and website only temporary disabled? emergency decision, plug-in needs debugging, we might look into it at some point, think about this in a new context, but likely stay like this for some time
- GH training happened with SoFra members, Nathalie updating documentation
- Guidance for including circle decisions in the Policy Manual
- working in the document
- What qualifies as policies? Keep guidance practical, be more in the direction “you should upload”
- goes into sociocracy basics
- keep working on the document and bring it to next logkeeping meeting (2 weeks) and then bring it to S3 circle (4 weeks)
- Updating Kumu Database
- John and Nathalie talked about it yesterday and will meet on Friday to onboard Nathalie to do Kumu/ database
- Membership Audit: check working members with Kumu, Pame and John working on this
Check out
- likes when we can connect different topics
- enjoyed meeting
- nice to check-in occasionally
- good atmosphere
10-03 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie, Pame
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 60 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements: none
- Next meeting: 17th October 1600 UTC
Agenda formation
- GH training → conversation on asana
- Nathalie and John will work on this in tomorrow’s SoFA coworking prepare GH session
- reply to logkeeping emails
- look at this task
- logkeeping email set-up
- circle.updates → googlegroup
- logkeeper → alias for support
- logkeeping team can join the google group, might make more sense in the future
- we know how to find email!
- ecosystem logkeeping done [R]
- used form to enter role description
- form doesn’t save text when going back to the first page
- ecosystem very up to date
- why is the policy manual preview blanc? on the forum landing page
- bug report to website
- John will investigate
- bug report to website
- where to put role descriptions?
- in the policy manual: https://forums.sociocracyforall.org/c/sofa-policy-manual/role-descriptions/31
- each role description has a new topic
- how to do it: https://forums.sociocracyforall.org/t/how-to-use-the-sofa-policy-manual/972
- leaning on the side of doing this work for the circles
- flow of logkeeping tasks on the Support Kanban
- return to that point int the future
- how to add people to the forum
- steps how to activate forum account on next SomBu
- review steps
- forum account was tied to account on website
- that link is deactivated now
- create an account on the forum
- include this to onboarding
- John and Pame operationally
Check out
- liked meting
- becoming more engaged
- grateful to keeping track of tasks and looking on our workflows
- other things I’ve been working on that logkeeping
09-19 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: Nathalie, Pame
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 60 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements: none
- Next meeting:
Agenda formation
- onboarding Nathalie to S3 circle
Check out
09-05 meeting
(08-22 canceled)
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie, Pame
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 60 min
- Minutes from last time: no comments
- Announcements: none
- Next meeting: September 19th 1600 UTC
Agenda formation
- development work on forms to quickly add policies/ roles (John)
- Sociocracy For All
- Sociocracy For All
- please test and give feedback
- it will automatically upload to policy manual category
- guidance for when to add policies to the policy manual (John)
- please read and provide feedback async
- visit circles after their meeting
- offer support to circles and secretaries
- offer to join circle meeting at the end, co-working time 15-30min after the meeting
- using policy manual, identifying policies, tagging circle updates, any support
- how to coordinate with circles? start with GC, John is secretary there, benefit from allocating a bit more time
- reactions: sounds good, personal connection is nice, approach circles directly, in too many circles and too many meetings, not another meeting, better one meeting every 6 months for all secretaries
- learn about it ourselves
- which circles are we thinking to visit? focus on department cicles
- how to draw people into trainings? question from previous experience
- next step:
- start with GC next week, announce to GC, John sends out invite
- Kumu operational roles audit
- see roles as a type of policy
- involves both Kumu updates and policy manual updates
- John is set up to do Kumu work
- help with gathering role descriptions to policy manual
- forms could be useful here
- reactions:
- many audits, many systems
- what is the need about this audit? transparency? only paid roles?
- do we needs to centralize that information?
- are we spending too much time on audits?
- should form replace template in GDrive?
- agrees on having too many places
- has space for audits, important work
- How are roles displayed in Kumu? Link in “activities” section, takes you to policy manual, screen share from John
- more reactions
- it sounds good to have roles linked in Kumu
- reduce complexity of our systems, linking to forum is fine
- have Kumu page as main source of information
- how to engage with the audit? have a better structure
- get rid of role templates in forum?
- next steps
- set up asana task to coordinate this work
- start with department circles and other higher priority sub-circles
Check out
- got some ideas generated
- happy to have a task for this audit now
- developing resistance to some things happening
- make sure we use our time effectively
- good meeting, more clarity on what to work on
- lot of things happening in the background, thankful
08-08 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie, Pame
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 60 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements: none
- Next meeting: August 22th 1600 UTC
Agenda formation
check in with Pame and orienting to logkeeping work
- updating users on the map
- membership audit
- information on kumu and GH, find working members not in a circle etc.,
- Pame to revisit this task: https://app.asana.com/0/1202901408898664/1204053386874206/f
- previously John provided information around that audit
- another meeting scheduled for tomorrow beween John and Pame
- Q? What can Pame take over? Everything related to members, failed payments, do refunds → payments and refunds belong to IT support part of the role
- some overlap between membership and IT
- IT trainings, periodic group trainings to help with, what are the needs of members, what are the needs of SoFA
- soft boundaries between logkeeping and IT support
Priorities in Logkeeping?
- policy manual up to date, policy audit, training secretaries, guidance on which policies should go in there (take it to S3)
- how can we make it easier for members?
- have it in the minutes instead
- tag logkeeping team, provide more service
- only add high-level polices
- forum curation and usability
- framework to put information in the right place reduce redundancy
- training and documentation
- operational roles
- GH focused training
- policy manual up to date, policy audit, training secretaries, guidance on which policies should go in there (take it to S3)
Wellbeing check-in: Enough work? Too much work? Do you need help?
identify roles and policies
check google groups → done see asana
Check out
- meeting was nice
- do something practical around the policy manual
- glad to chat about all the things
- don’t have clear concrete work to do atm
- meeting was nice
- building up to position us better for future work
07-25 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 90 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements: none
- Next meeting: August 8th 1230 UTC
Agenda formation
logkeeping tasks on asana
- clean up “logkeeping” tag → close old tasks?
- you can’t filter the board view by tag on asana
- logkeeping tag used on other boards, many uncompleted tasks
- good to bring to our attention
- review again in some time from now
- check-in with Asana:
- follow up better on tasks
- integrate in IT circle Kanban
- conversation around tasks can happen on asana
- still keep notes on the forum
- clean up “logkeeping” tag → close old tasks?
what to do with Pia’s role
- name POLICY NAME [CIRCLE NAME role description: obsolete]
- add tag “former-role”
- implement logic to not list former roles [John]
- see asana
zoom room transfer → John does more work on it
reply from Audree on maps workflow
- forwarded email, Nathalie will review it
- talk with Pame about it
Check out
07-12 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie
- Guest: Pia
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 90 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements: quite a bit of chatting
- Next meeting: July 25th 1230 UTC
Agenda formation
- add individuals/ orgs to map, how are hand-offs handled?
- Pia received no orgs from OL/ org support
- orgs need to fill out health check and then they can enter details
- work with this spreadsheet
- copy entries from “from” to “master map list”
- Pia ask Pame to change workflow: assign task to John (John will add Nathalie as collaborator)
- individuals on map: check picture on the map and see if it looks ok, fixed by additional editing of pictures for google maps
- members on website, no changes: John will talk to Pame about future plans → in progress to transfer to WCP
- Pia checks for video tutorial from John
- John check-in with Audree about workflow for orgs
- International category on forum
- Pro: clear, easy to find language content
- Con: getting more separated, adding international policies
- a lot of posts in Romanian already
- reactions:
- we can try things, easy to transfer and move posts
- take advantage of the tools the forum provides, keep topics together despite different language
- e.g. have everything in “Sociocracy Basics”
- conversation around discourse tools
- how can these systems best support us?
- concerned about polices in International forum → Pia will talk to Thomas
- more conversation about multi-language forum usage
- give feedback about forum usage, feeling of disengagement
- fill out About the International category → Pia will fill this out
- rename topics to “Languages”, “Sociocracy in different Languages”
- Pia will think about this topic
- thinking about tags: Sociocracy For All and how there are different from key words
- curation policy at some point?
- what is uncomfortable with the current forum usage?
- purpose of a forum vs purpose of a blog? → Nathalie to think about this
- bring action items to asana?
- Nathalie will take care after the meeting
- priorize projects and get an overview of logkeeping tasks
Check out
06-27 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie, Pia
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 90 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements: none
- Next meeting: July 11th (without Pia
Agenda formation
- after the training is before the training
- do we want to continue without Pia?
- more outreach ahead of time, training went well otherwise
- there still is interest, helpful for the people who are there
- integration with on-boarding process
- Spanish speaking person in this team, do we know someone from SoPra?
- keep topic on agenda
- more input from Pia on ideas for next training
- what are the people doing, what is needed? focus on this connection
- good idea to align with membership guide
- IT tools training 4 x year
- new template 2023/2024, do session then
- GH training would be good, make it relatable to their work
- support international and sector circles in particular
- use translated captions for a session
- wanting to promote co-working space, probably an independent effort
- agree that it would be beneficial to have a strong Spanish speaker in this circle; also, how far to we want to push our language support
- three people makes a nice team, want to take care with the transition
- request from Adrian: forum section to post in different languages (I remember there is this possibility to translate posts - does it make sense to create a new section or should we just use the translation function; Pia) see https://forums.sociocracyforall.org/t/is-this-a-good-idea-or-even-possible/3633
- John wanted to answer
- we do have documentation about this
- set Content languages, interface language
- post in whatever language you want and indicate the language and then people can search for content in that language
- other training?
- copy URL of post is possible
- how to translate a forum post? → another feature of the forum, little globe icon at the bottom, you need to set your content language for your own language otherwise it will only show for non-english posts
- english default e.g. for policy manual? don’t have this
- multi-language in topics? yes, that’s possible
- both possible to mix languages or stay in one language in one thread
- Q: accounts on forum? SoFA website accounts are forum accounts! send support request when having problem
Next steps:
collaborate on written reply (Pia and John)
meet with Adrian as International Seed Circle lead
department circle policies on policy manual
- continued encouragement from S3
- encourage department circles
- join general circle meeting at the end
- email department circles directly
- feedback from Audree: took a lot of time to add a single policy to the policy manual; gathering the information is expensive in time; may need to be aware and provide support around this
- either of the above strategies could be useful; could try the co-working strategy with General Circle first
- wait until both Nathalie and John have returned to move forward with this work
- how to support with ‘messy’ policies?
- which policies do we want to include?
- what do other SoFA members needs to know?
- what would be beneficial for the general public?
- finding time to deal with this topic
- documentation for the circle’s sake is also valuable, have the wisdom of each circle represented, characteristic
- balance how much work is needed to upload polices
hand-off Pia
Check out
- glad to talk about forum topics
- enjoyed space here
- looking forward to play games together
- nice meeting
06-13 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie, Pia
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 60 min, Pia needs to leave after 60 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements
- provide empathy in support request, website transition is not running well. Website struggle period. Tag Laine on tasks and push them to Website circle.
- Next meeting: 27th June
Agenda formation
- training
- preparation for tomorrow, presentation ready
- new idea: go through steps creating a meeting (minutes, invite, etc), do a role play: having a meeting
- reaction: like to include idea of role play, still give presentation
- surprised, prefer previous format with questions at the end
- Pia will move forward
- we will all be there
- Q: duration? schedules for 1.5h
- circle role holder orientation workflow
- idea forming: train all SoFA members, a required part of being a SoFA member, first: inital training from membership guides, mandatory second ‘roles and tools’ orientation, make a note in GH, collaboration between IT circle and S3 circle, requirement for being a SoFA member, reference additional documentation, ask S3 and IT circle for help
- unsure about that idea, likes idea of attending circle meetings after check-out, international circle has on-boarding with leader too, how would that synchronize?, too much work put on volunteers, complex topic, likes having trainings
- Nathalie’s idea: motivation to look at workflows and identify a stable version, may notice missing steps or incomplete understanding from examining the workflows; benefit from more clarity about how we communicate with role holders; more excited about providing information as it is needed
- how would notifications work with a system like Peerdom?
- basic understanding of roles that we assume all members will have
- do more with the notifications we get
- start building a communication channel between role holders and IT Circle/Log Keeping team
- unsure about the hard requirement for an additional training
- initially very excited around idea to provide information when it’s needed. Experience: didn’t get much response from emails, no engagement with full training material, unsure about how important training is, don’t get full set of information e.g. who secretary is. looking at workflow could be beneficial. language barriers in SoPra
- reactive workflow, also excited about proactive workflow
- likes idea of sending more email. Apporach leaders or secretaries? CoP as a way to reach members, synchronize what’s happening where, next training could be more spanish focused
- review existing member orientation, meet with Ania and sofie to learn more about how roles and tools are included in existing orientation
- does S3 Circle provide ongoing support to members? (e.g. around performance reviews)
- one nice feature of Peerdom is that it allows you to see all role holders; need communication channels for targeting specific classes of members (might open up more possibilities for connecting with members in the future)
John: request meeting with Ania and Sofie, provide feedback, learn
Nathalie + John: work on reactive workflows
John: think about current capacity for targeted emails (e.g. all secretaries) and make a quick report
Spanish language speakers? → backlog
- operational roles on Kumu
- circle roles on Kumu!
- circles do good job with updating circle roles
- operational roles, combination of training and another audit
- check in with circles about operational roles
- could be very helpful
- forum vs Kumu (vs drive)
- search function in Kumu very minimal, forum would provide better search
- makes sense to have operational roles in Kumu
- what training is still needed? Could take training material from Academy, for example
- easier to see changes to operational roles (more variety to circle roles)
- software question is spreading into many circles; benefit from having a clear decision; are we holding back from making progress because we are anticipating a transition?
- wonder about how our systems as a whole work (e.g. contact records in Groundhogg); have many parallel systems; concerned about proliferation of systems and how well they communicate with each other
- include op roles in Kumu, you can see roles in specifc view
- wants to update Kumu, existing information up to date
- how to do more general audit
- department level view
- embedded view has sidebar and you can click on the departsments to other view
- maintain roles in policy manual
- how to display the roles in Kumu? include in sidebar text?
Next steps
Nathalie: look into Kumu and display of roles, different views
John: think about how to include operational roles in sidebar
Kumu operational roles audit → backlog
- GC meeting
Check out
- nice meeting
- working/ meetings topics a little bit out of sync, trying to catch up on old tasks, trying not to overload ourselves
- more doing again, then measure. a lot of lead done
- good job hearing each other
- manageable action items
- include benefits of different strategies, good conversation around that
05-30 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie, Pia
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 90 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements: John might be a bit less active next week
- Next meeting: 13th June 1h meeting 1230h
Agenda formation
report on S3 meeting (John)
- members: Rhonda, Sofie, John, CJ, Pame (leader)
- flow of information in SoFA
- move forward with decision around peerdom/ replacement for Kumu
- desire for better interaction/ search for roles
- update operational roles in Kumu (currently not done anymore)
- now more aware of need to find role holders
- people don’t report operational role changes - difficult to keep up to date
- we are nested in our domains: IT circle, S3
- what could we as logkeeping team do to support people in order to update roles?
- tension between compensated members of SoFA and volunteers
- talk about policy manual, kumu, roles here
- questions and reactions
- good that flow of information is talked about, lack of it sometimes
- Q: need to have roles displayed? rather have easy search: who is doing that at the moment?
- Q: in peerdom, is it easier to display roles? John thinks yes. Makes it easy to put information in. It is designed to do org diagrams
- operational roles: policy manual progressed, would make it easy, are the needs very specifc (advanced), what do less advanced user need?
- we need more training and in-person dialogue instead of more (written) information
- aim for more contact, integrate information from our policies
- some circles try to do everything by there one (?)
- have better systems to find help
- how to support each other more?
- feeling the weight of time with respect to the Peerdom question; we’ve been spinning on this for a while; why haven’t we just made the decision? What is holding us back? Domain question seems fairly clear; growing conflict making it more difficult to discuss freely; glad to be looking at this again; tension around how closely we can connect with the need around feedback
- would be beneficial to share more of the work of updating the organizational diagram
- attention between documents and human contact/ communication
- one recent example: not everyone knew about the strategy session last Friday, wasn’t included in SomBU
- build-in way in sociocracy: share through circle leaders
- be better in how we apply sociocracy, clarity of domains, use backlogs well
- do both: skills of socioracy, software that helps us
- SoFA needs to be more aware of being a remote organization
- horizontal information flow doesn’t work well
- ideas
- logkeeping team member joins at the end of a circle’s meeting
- putting ourselves more in spaces where other members are
- what could it mean to embrace more care for the spirit of each circle role; what does it mean to be a leader? Parallel between circle work and reproductive work (in contrast to productive or operational work); working more closely with circle roles
- yearning for more connection with more long-term members of SoFA at co-working spaces
- being a secretary is very different in circles, what is expected, more orientation would have been useful
- a lot of work to fulfill a circle role, volunteer time
- what does the new member orientation look like? sit in with Ania for one session
- don’t have consistent ways how to use sociocracy, how do facilitator, secretary and leader work together?
- work SoFA as whole could do - get better in executing sociocracy
- offer training for circle role holders - and connect them!
- ContEd more suited to train in sociocracy
- where do circle-specific decisions get recorded? (e.g. a circle’s specific understanding of its circle roles)
- circle work as compensated work? revisit policy about compensation
join at the end of next general circle meeting and see what logkeeping/ secretary tasks need to be done - 30min
next training June 14 (Pia)
- presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HzzQUtVk96i1r39JYuN5s4t87I-oVrBhuRIr0cpOi2w/edit#slide=id.g107dcefdae5_0_216
- looks good; don’t clearly remember how the presentation has changed; good to connect how the tool connects with our work
- allow for questions at the end, potential for break-out groups
- goals: more space for hand-on tools/ play with it
- one person can claim host of the session
- Pia will give presentation
- Pia will prepare agenda
- John will put it on SomBU
- native Spanish speaker for our team?
- prepare some ideas, likes to see what is needed and then play with it
- have an email thread for ideas and little exerices
report on GH conversation with Audree (Nathalie)
policy manual?
Check out
05-16 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John , Nathalie, Pia
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 90min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements: Pia having a German presentation later today!
- Next meeting: 05-30
Agenda formation
next training June 14 1700 UTC
- asana task
- reminder
- Pia will request to create event
se https://www.sociocracyforall.org/event/introduction-and-training-for-sofas-it-tools-june-2023/
- SomBU next week, if event is created by then we can announce it
- reply to froum post and announce next date (Nathalie)
see Introduction and training for SoFA’s IT tools
GH training / GH best practices
- explore this topic
- What is the current state? Where are we seeing demand/ request?
- Laine did adhoc trainings around funnels
- org support offered training around orgs in GH (Audree, Zujeil), there is a recording, policies
- requests from ecosystem members
- WCP requests
- more general overview of GH, haven’t seen specific requests
- language circles, WCP helps
- in last training there was interest
- sometimes members don’t know which questions to ask, that GH exists
- don’t name it GH more like ‘how to connect with your audience’
- helpful for language and ecosystem circles
- IC strong wish to learn more about GH
- sector circles have a spreadsheet with info about GH
- would be helpful to engage more with GH
- bring it out as a general offer for circles
- maybe do more research where is GH trainings happening?
- theme for our trainings? separate sessions for different tools?
- work on more documentation
- ask outreach, ask in forum about GH usage
- likes idea to have trainings with different focus
- more often have general training, GH training less frequent
- more in dept sessions with specific theme; or general training with specific parts -little bit more drawn to the second option (Nathalie)
- advocate more for IT work - so people know they can ask
- maybe a targeted training for e.g. ecosystem
- general introduction, transition on focus topic e.g. after 20 min, have 2 breakouts: 1 more training on general training 2 focus training on topic, ‘advanced’ track
- more written documentation, take notes where documentation is missing, backlog of missing documentation
- have first GH training all together, gain experience with GH ourselves
- GH not for the next session
- could be nice to have a focus GH sessionto get well trained as log keeping time
- Nathalie ask Outreach about GH training
OL group on forum https://app.asana.com/0/1188148581245492/1204563343848309/f
- OL have access to OL group on the forum
- feedback to org support that it is a bit unclear what (forum) group is meant - Members Online Forum
- John happy to help if it’s help needed to clarify it more
- is there are a workflow to onboard them to the forum?
- question about calculation
- coupon only for books, should meeting cards also have discount?
- Pia asks org support
GH - companies - Pioneer House Village has all SoFA members listed: https://www.sociocracyforall.org/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gh_companies&action=edit&company=398
- clean up project
- follow up with Audree, include this question (Nathalie)
Policy Manual: status quo; what needs to be prepared; how to announce? How to get more policy on the forum?
- trying to encourage people to use it
- coworking session series
- invite people
- are we readyyy with our documentation?
- review asana task: https://app.asana.com/0/1202901408898664/1202965782249549
- support people to upload their policies
- still open questions about roles on policy manual - often in Google Drive, two places to keep up to date
- track down policy about privacy
- treat roles like other policies
Check out
- really enjoyed meeting
- relieved to have next steps on support task
- policy manual review was nice
- very manageable backlog!
- appreciate working with you
- glad to have refreshed view on policy manual
05-02 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John , Nathalie, Pia
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 90min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements:
- Next meeting: 05-16
Agenda formation
next training June 14 1700 UTC
- reminder
- we can still wait with details
- Pia will request to create event
- SomBU next week, if event is created by then we can announce it
- reply to froum post and announce next date (Nathalie)
conference check-in, zoom storage
- will we have enough storage?
- probably, but not sure, if not we’ll need to pay a bit
- Pia will delete what’s on Zoom cloud today
- just record speaker’s view, check-in with Samara in ITSU, are settings changed in the SoFA1 account
- download all videos from first day? no, they should stay for some days
- maybe be should increase our storage in the future (50 GB → 100 GB)
- we will know more after the conference!
- reminder ContEd to download videos after 2 weeks
- record how much space we used after conference
- cost for zoom vs cost for people working on this
conference technical support/ tickets
- Pia could add Nathalie
- send out zoom links is possible (from sofa1)
- for IT support being logged to sofa1
- zoom hosts: seems to be enough
- ticket management? no tickets on zoom events
- is conference HC providing an overview of how to provide technical support? not that we know
- bring it to ITSU: training the support people
- screenshare from Pia
- compile a list of questions in ITSU, post it in slack channel #conference-support
- do we check for orders on SoFA’s website when people are having trouble accesssing the event?
- how do we better prepare for conferences in the future?
- future of zoom events? that’s on IT circle backlog
- would be nice to have a solid base for IT support in IT circle. and clarity who is providing IT support for the conference
Pia will do an Q&A for zoom hosts tomorrow
- Pia offered this to Shala
- Shala is doing a video
- space to join and ask questions
- a bit hesitant about the offer
- we’re very happy for Pia to do it
- Pia is doing zoom host too
- does Pia need support? it’s fine! Pia likes doing trainings.
zoom policy, next steps
- looking at action items in IT circle minutes
- additional: send an email to zoom group and some circles
- announcement topic from IT circle on the forum?
- connected to the conversation about the future of SomBU
- is there a feature in zoom to warn us about storage use? Ted got the initial email
- announcement: one post in member discussion
- SomBU: still not very used to forum, struggle with usage, reads SomBU on mobile, haven’t tried forum on mobile, email is nice,
- SomBU: likes condensed from of information
forum question: how to add a category
- add technical FAQ to ELC
- on the main screen ‘Add category’
requests to join SoFA member group
- see Sofa member - Sociocracy For All
- John usually looks through this
- happy for any forum admin to handle these requests
- John will take care of the 3 outstanding requests
- forum curator? unsure where it is. bring to general circle. not a lot to do in the past. address conflicts where they arise, which hasn’t been the forum itself.
- John not longer forum curator
offer GH training/ Laine
- John posted update in this thread
- add @ mentions at the top of this document
GH for OL session, May 3
- use slack for this
- it’s happening
Check out
- enjoy meeting!!!
04-18 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie, Pia
- Secretary: Pia
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 45 min
- Minutes from last time: -
- Announcements: John is not so available next week
- Next meeting: May 2; 12:30 UTC
Agenda formation
- Who is managing the companies in GH?
- Some companies are doubled
- Is it a domain question?
- How to find out if someone is a member of org learner company? Find out through the tag; not very clear how to do that
- the storage of companies in GH is a little bit problematic - John is working on that; were in contact with GH and with Audree as org learner point person
- maybe start with domain question, probably not the only thing to do here (because somethings not working so well)- probably org support circle
- maybe also Rhonda could be involved because she reaching out to orgs as well
- org support circle has the GH companies record in their domain
- maybe create a parent task with some subtasks
- IT circle can support but the use of GH should lie on org support circle domain
- Should It circle help cleaning up?
- good strategy to move forward with this
→ John will check in with org support circle how the status quo is around that
→ Nathalie create a collecting task in Asana with all related tasks - name for the overall task: Sorting out workflows around the use of GH for org learners
- What is the workflow if people change information that affects the map/webiste? see https://app.asana.com/0/1202901408898664/1203557381270316/f
- at the moment WCP and Pame working on a different approach to publish member information
- see how the workflow will change
- close the item and see if there is a problem in the future
- a note I saw (when I created a website for Lino): Your privacy policy page https://www.socioracyforall.org/privacy-policy appears to be inaccessible. I proceed with membership but would kindly ask if you can send me the policy by email. Many thanks!
→ Nathalie will reach out to WCP about that problem
Check out
04-04 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie, Pia
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 90 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements:
- Next meeting: April 18th
Agenda formation
Template for new Role Holder email notification in English and español and Asana task
- are we happy with the change at the end of the doc?
- Spanish translation
- reactions
- change seems good
- email is long, general thoughts about this kind of email orientation
- maybe putting together a website at some point we can refer too
- not clear way for Spanish translation, asked Samara for help
- clearer workflow about translating documents would be nice
- manual translations for email seems fine
- sentence is fine and good!
- generally too long, love to have it shorter and linking to support sites
- rework orientation
- more translations would be nice, could do automated ones and seek approval from language circle
- Next steps: asked Samara for Spanish bit (Nathalie), otherwise done
- no names of role holders?
- circle membership and circle role holders already in Kumu
- conversation in S3 circle, details in minutes
- all information are in linked Google Doc
- what about organization diagram? we do publish circle role holders name
- operational roles are not on Kumu, no perceived need for that
- next step: John bring back questions about publishing names in an organizational diagram (circle and operational roles), ask for more clarification about the request for not having names
After the training is before the training
- need: how to use Zoom, more focus on this
- include exercise: How to claim host; calendar events; Breakout rooms
- wish: GH training, whos domain is this? included with WCP
- not sure more general or more specific focus
- bring this more in a regular thing
- prepared documentation for popular questions e.g. zoom
- be familiar with exercises ourselves
- targeted trainings
- playful approach: being open to handing of questions (‘do you want to do a short demo of XY’), more clarity and practise between us
- more marketing and emails
- excited about GH training (for ecosystem and beyond)
- gain GH training ourselves and then share it
- Pia works a lot with GH
- be clear with WCP, they’ve been doing 1-1 trainings around GH (for language circles), coordinate with them
next steps:
- talk to Laine: what training does WCP offer? (John)
- talk to Laine: how to coordinate GH trainings? (John)
- schedule another date: June 14 1700 UTC
- Pia will reserve Stanza Blue
Map: Any ideas how to deal with an org which has no fixed place?
- legal place
- put it in the ocean? enter a city at least
- ask them directly which location they prefer
- place-less individuals? moving around
- 1 asked them 2 legally established 3 answer fun question (e.g. where did you encounter sociocracy for the first time?) 4 define location and put everyone there
- organization: legal place
- individuals: ask them where they want to be
- no clear answer to this question
- Pia will reach out to people and has enough ideas to move forward
start talking about zoom policy?
- doing a policy process
- Nathalie will facilitate this item
- next IT circle meeting 24th April
- global conference: 4/5 May
- Policy for general use and conference use
- enough space for videos of global conference when clearing out both conferences?
- is there a setting to only record speaker’s view?
conference (e.g. only speaker view, buy more space, quality settings) - identify short term and long term strategy
- next steps:
- talk with Samara about existing plan about current videos
and space the global conference will take (Pia) - Pia will give a report
- talk about it in ITSU or next logkeeping meeting
- talk with Samara about existing plan about current videos
- identify strategies if there is not enough space for the conference
- new chat feature in discourse
- enable on production?
- enable on staging site?
- additional risks?
- it might confuse people, we are not fully prepared to answer
- more like a group chat
- just enable on stage site now?
- Next steps: John will do more thinking and decide where to enable it
Check out
03-21 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie, Pia
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 90 min
- Minutes from last time: /
- Announcements: Nathalie offline Thursday to Sunday, John will be doing Contra dance end of the month and is excited about that!
- Next meeting: April 4th 1230 UTC
Agenda formation
Zoom recordings management
next steps?
when are we deleting videos?
reach out to conference circle? Pia talked to Shala, they will check, haven’t heard back now, CJ mentioned that videos are shared directly from the zoom cloud? we are still unsure about that and are a bit confused, if this is the case. → additional clarity needed
Lea reached out to get some videos → Pia will follow up
tell people again before we actually start deleting
- e-mail general circle and make post of the forum
- emphasize urgency
- John will do it!
wanting to clarify that the additional expense of more storage is not what we’re wanting ( Additional Zoom storage would cost: $1200 annually for an additional 1TB, $6000 annually for 5TB)
- domain: IT circle with additional feedback to make that decision
- we only get one e-mail back, doesn’t seem it’s needed that much
- our fiscal circle would need to approve
- we are making operational decisions now, policy would also live in IT circle
- linking to zoom cloud could save time
- move forward with current cleaning strategy, bring discussion about future use to IT cirlce
last numbers: 470.62 GB (941% used) of 50 GB
now 380 GB
we need plan for deletion
- it’s in Ted’s account, easiest way to delete there
- be aware of the trash/ bin → it says recordings are kept for 30 days there and don’t count as storage
- sort by date? yes it’s easy, date limiting search
- delete them all at once? yes, that’s possible
- Pia to do on Monday after checking in with John and Nathalie
- we can still get recordings back 30 days after that
Map problem (Pia)
- more then one person at the same location, it won’t show all
- happens more often now
- John has ideas, requires using google API, concerned about quota limit, explore technical question more, then: writing a piece of software, other idea: use plugin in wordpress? but website circle talked about that we’re using many plugins already, some of them slowing website down
- Q about the limit? limit of map queries, after some time they charge you per query, “stop when quota is reached” would be one idea, but unsure how to tell google that
- when does the issue appear? Pia couldn’t see it, trying to find an example, e.g. members in Bukarest, zoom in more is one solution
- search function is a problem → you need to click on "all results*
- we talked about that before
- why is this so bad?! submit a support request to google John might do that
- make destinations a bit more distinct
- add different ZIP codes
- move icons
- display of maps? clustering of icons? is there s setting?
- we don’t have any clustering, we are using a “personal map”
- clustering would ask for google API
- consider alternative platform or switching to open street map
A link to Conflict resolution (Nathalie) - What’s the easiest ways to find the zoom link to an event/ class? Do we check whether someone is actually registered (by checking their orders)?
- looked into calendar and send them, give access
- seek training around events registration - there wasn’t an order?
- how do we as members get access to events
- how do we best receive this info to answer requests?
- → bring it to ITSU
- check-in with task Member Event: Introduction and training for SoFA’s IT tools
- agenda : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vKO9vUtC2xXIOTeVeEm_WoJcLoWk2P0aN_PVZfmIYRA/edit
- facilitation: Pia
- give presentation: John
- zoom support: Nathalie
- presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15DciEHqBPuTPNVteJQWdW1Q7Qni-Ya9-JemRlLHKEaA/edit?skip_itp2_check=true#slide=id.g107dcefdae5_0_189
- Q: Where can we find role description template? Pia uses search in drive. There are templates in the Template Gallery in our drive.
Check out
- good meeting
- revisit backlog
- appreciating secretary and facilitator
- more work on policy manual possibly
- great we’re doing training
- very happy for all the things
- lot of success with moving forward
- really enjoys work
03-07 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie, Pia
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 90 min
- Minutes from last time: -
- Announcements: -
- Next meeting: March 21th 12:30 UTC as on the Google calendar
Agenda formation
- Intentional communities policies → How we handle these requests? (Pia)
- train or do it ourselves?
- role description for each person?
- reactions: ask if they want to learn, we are also happy to help with that (if we have time), formatting: don’t get stressed about it, don’t want to be too concerned about role descriptions,
- good that this is a case of role descriptions; can also link to the minutes where this is decided, which may require some negotiation with Dem; might be good to have separate descriptions for each holder
- good reminder to get more IT Circle documents, including role descriptions, on the policy manual
- template for role description in forum - was it the idea to have all our operational roles on the forum? yes! we want that information in the policy manual. any concern about privacy?
- one role description per person would be ideal, although having a summary post could also work
- future: some of the information might live in another place in the future (e.g. peerdom), are we crating duplicates?
- operational role information not in Kumu; interesting to consider where this would live
- curious about making names, pay rates, and hours publicly available
- policy manual is not public yet (members only), goal is to open it up to the public (still unclear when that will happen)
- Proposal: names, pay rate, hours public? → John brings to S3 circle, Pia move forward with this task but not include private information until we made a decision about that, enter link to our minutes as a bridge
- Zoom Cloud recording will be disabled on Apr 03
- John started conversation in Asana and slack IT circle
- notify as many people as possible to recover their recordings
- figure out date to begin deleting, plan for doing that, plan for communication, check back with zoom
- policy around this topic in the future
- reactions: likes what John said,
- if you really need the recording we download it and place it somewhere
- phrase it: if you need something let us know, then we will delete it
- we do have a zoom contact we can ask
- today: make a plan, to whom do we write an email?
- initial thought was to back everything up, but it is a lot
- how can we gain visibility into what is stored and how much space is being used?
- happy for operational decision in the short run with work towards a longer term policy
- policy could be: if you download, you delete it
- doesn’t want to do the back-up work, assumption: most of it won’t be used again, unnecessary work
- notify department circles, could affect every SoFA member, although they probably downloaded it already
- good to take this to ITSU, who do we need to bring into this decision?
- recording: either they us ask us or they are in the zoom management group → email to members of this groups - good idea!
- follow the big streams: for example, contact Conference Circle to ensure that they have downloaded the videos they want
- possibly only backup recent videos (for some definition of recent)
- timeline: cut-off date march 27th?
→ bring different strategies to ITSU
→ Pia will contact conference circle (cont ed)
- E-Mail Draft: completed Kumu-Audit - Google Docs
- include text like this in sombu → John
- send email to S3 circle → John
- work through the open tasks and make comments in the tasks
- John will finish last pieces by ITSU and we will celebrate
- event description: Introduction and training for SoFA’s IT tools - Member Event (sociocracyforall.org)
- Agenda: Training IT Tools - Google Docs
- add zoom link to event - Pia will check
- add agenda to event - not yet, work in next meeting
- open up several Zoom rooms and allow people to move between them, with one of us available in each room
- Nathalie working on presentation for this training
- make sure to include how to find and use Google Doc templates
Check out
- very helpful and productive
- happy to see we (almost) finished the audit
- good distraction from other things
- enjoyed meeting
- good to check-in on last pieces of audit
- excited to have this done
- happy for the productivity
- nice to be able to bring things to the group for collaborative work
02-27 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie, Pia
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 45 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements: John not available on march 16th
- Next meeting: March 7th 1330 UTC
Agenda formation
- short question about last IT circle minutes
- Pia reaches out to WCP about handling publishing members
training event
- coming up with a sketch of an agenda
- send it to event publishers
- further announcemets
- John’s conflict on march 16th
- we didn’t communicate date yet
- reschedule low cost
- review training materials
- reactions
- postpone probably better x2
- maybe just assign the task and then review it next tuesday
- new date: 30th march 13 UTC
- announce it in next SomBU
- duration: 1,5h - 1h input, 0,5h coworking
- goals: do presentation, include forum, how to be interactive and practical, idea: do breakouts and walk people through the steps
- who are we inviting? all SoFA members (YOU could be a role holder tomorrow - be prepared), warm invite to leaders and secretaries
- name for this event: Introduction and training for SoFA’s IT tools
Next steps
- Pia will put info together and submit event with the link below and also send an email to that address
- Pia prepares agenda and sends it to us
- Nathalie will prepare presentation
- more content work next time
- John announce in SomBu (with or without event)
- forum comes later
Encourage asynch communication!
Nathalie set up asana task
Submission: https://www.sociocracyforall.org/submit-an-event/
Want to schedule a member event? Contact the member.development.circle@sociocracyforall.org.
Existing “Orientation for role holers”: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hW0w_VGw_MVdKtzIJxrAUNXSbmIdiCE8f4McIn5bT3w/edit#slide=id.p
Member Dashboard
Check out
Good meeting!
02-21 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie, Pia
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 80 min - 10 in before the hour
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements:
- Next meeting:
Agenda formation
- https://app.asana.com/0/1188148581245492/1203790295615869/f
- sharing folders with non-members
- enter mail addresses into field, they need a google account
- adding test email to share a drive link
- can content manager share folders? a bit confused
- outside emails don’t seem to appear in list “people with access”
- difference between “sharing” and “sending the link”
- keep it in our awareness
- share files
- same as folder
- share with a public link? policy not to have that?
- Nathalie created subtask: https://app.asana.com/0/0/1204014113384922/f
- workflow orgs on the map? (how sends the rejection note?)
- someone nominated themselves to go on the map
- who is responsible of saying ‘no’?
- Organizational members
- → talk to Audree
- map - is not showing description in the second lanuage - is this intentional?
- it’s not intentional, we want a second language
- in the interface: the ones which are checked will show up
- it worked!
- Kumu audit see https://app.asana.com/0/1202901408898664/1203796736272751/f
- very close to being done
- some circle members only supporting members?
- Nathalie
- Q: how did John notice? database has all members, if not in there check on GH
- we have a membership policy
- we go through the list of open tasks
- another 2 weeks, we assigned new
- circles who don’t google drive
- it’s as easy as creating a folder
- ask ‘how are you keeping your minutes’
- recommendation
- circles keeping minutes somewhere else e.g. Nextcloud and then copy it back - ok
- minutes should be somehow easy accessible for SoFA members
- updating the google groups with membership changes
- outside the scope of the audit?
- great opportunity to do it though
- reactions: do we really want to do this work? more responsibility of the secretary
- proposal: finish audit, create workflow: invite circles to review changes and invite circles to check on their google groups and always offer our help
- Pia could draft email https://app.asana.com/0/0/1204013995643301/f
- include invite to our training 16 march
- we meet again next week: focus on training, monday 3:30 UTC
- when is the audit for a circle complete?
- communities of practice?
Check out
02-07 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie, Pia
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 90 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements: none
- Next meeting:
Agenda formation
Check out
01-24 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie, Pia
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 60 min
- Announcements: none
- Next meeting: Feb 7th 1330 UTC
Agenda formation
- Kumu audit planning
- make a decision who continues with what work
- Pia International
- Nathalie Ecosystem
- John anything else
- Nathalie to talk with Pia and then John when ecosystem is done
- John is happy if others communicate with secretaries too, he’ll be the one updating Kumu in the end
- SQLlite and local database on John’s computer, spreadsheet is not powerful enough
- list of circles is taken from this database
- WIP allow others access to this database
- workflow looks good
- remind circles to use new meetings template? previously John was in contact with circles about these things
- make comments in task when we notice something about the workflow
- make a decision who continues with what work
- sort FAQ → set a tag for a link (!!!) Latest Sociocracy Basics/Sociocracy FAQs topics - Sociocracy For All
- use tags to organize it
- have different default views
- how can we use discourse to structure this section best?
- forums highlight newest conversation, a bit more difficult for other logical structure
- stretching the limits of forum usage
- tag: introductory-FAQ maybe
- manually maintain a list of FAQ like circle summaries in the policy manual
- discourse encourages fluid categorization through tags, only 2 levels of categories
- logkeeping is doing forum curation at the moment
- there are discourse plugins: e.g. documentation plugin → John investigate further
- is it possible to have different links to the FAQ with different tags enabled?
- yes - URL changes when tag is selected
- pinning stays on top - that’ how it is now. Nathalie will mention John in the Asana task
- there are several ideas we can do now with the tags, introduce tag “SOLT” → Pia will start on this
- start conversation around our policies, esp. " SoFA role holders all get a socioracyforall.org account." as in SoFA Google Workspace
- intro
- came up in conversation between Nathalie and Abbie looking at how to roll out policy
- it this a policy or a recommendation? Is it clear?
- do SoFA member know about it? → some role holders without email address
- review and bring it to IT circle eventually
- role holder audit?
- discussion
- conversation belongs somewhere else: IT circle, Support Services, General Circle
- how does SoFA understand what policy is? How does IT circle understand the Google Workspace Best Practices?
- policy is always a best practice
- a bit of conversation around policies
- policies as requests - may or not be received well
- role holders: esp. secretary and leader
- audit is a nice idea
- if we make it a policy, would it be more visible to SoFA members and make it more clear to members
- renaming best practice to policy
- continue conversation
- intro
Check out
01-18 meeting
Check in
Next meeting: 01-24 at 1330 UTC for 90 minutes
Agenda formation
- VPN - recommendation?
- no known VPN recommendation
- Pia to check in with CJ
- prepare agenda in advance/Log Keeping minutes (these topics): many meetings per topic?
- Desire to establish the link between the forum and Asana; somewhat difficult to context switch
- Maybe use more user tagging when using the forum for meetings?
- Decided to try using one topic for multiple meetings; might need to check on topic length limitations in Discourse
- Kumu audit
- In IT Circle, we decided on a once-a-year audit in January
- How much, and in what way, does everyone want to help with audit?
- Go through all circle minutes documents, check them against current Kumu
- Take notes on discrepancies
- Take notes on out-of-date information in minutes documents
- Questions and comments on the process:
- Out of date? Would Kumu ever be more up to date than the minutes? A: concern is around minutes documents being out of date with respect to reality
- Look at recent meetings, compare with the minutes document header
- What do we do when things are out of date? A: don’t have a strategy for this yet
- will involve some coordination work
- could just tag circle updates?
- Out of date? Would Kumu ever be more up to date than the minutes? A: concern is around minutes documents being out of date with respect to reality
- John’s idea: track all this in a spreadsheet, John would be happy to take on the task of initializing the spreadsheet
- Nathalie excited to help, excited to browse through the circle structure; concerned spreadsheet could get messy, suggests we might use Asana
- John proposes to try to set up a tracking system for collaborating in Asana by 01-24, actually do the audit work by 02-07 → consent!
- Nathalie excited to work in Ecosystem department
- Pia excited to work in International department
- Work-flow creating a new email address - what needs to be done e.g. how get the SoFA email address access to the member dashboard
- decided here to adjust the new email template text
- how might this relate to the new orientations for leaders and secretaries?
- basically, this seems to be handled (as a discussion item)
- How we advertise role holder orientation
- sociocracy linking channels of communication
- existing communication channels: SoMBu, the forum
- place this prominently in the member dashboard
- this has come up a few times, haven’t really followed up
- what is the process of actually providing the role holder orientation?
- orientation is offered in the email, but often declined; could we emphasize it more as a recommendation or in another way include it more definitively in the workflow?
- could have periodic role holder orientations
- email could advertise the next role holder orientation
- lack of awareness of orientation availability
- didn’t get an email upon receiving a qualifying role, several cases of receiving an email address informally from someone directly (e.g. Samara or Ted)
- having an established orientation would reduce the pressure for receiving the orientation
- didn’t know who to ask for help or additional training
- excitement for an idea for a general orientation session for role holders
- March might give us some lead time
- something for IT support in general? For all members?
- how to coordinate this with other member events? Coordinate with Continuing Education Circle, maybe?
- Proposal: March 16 at 1300 UTC? → consent!
- Policy manual?
- ‘circle summary and policy list’ to ‘circle work’
- “Circle summary” → consent!
- add one sentence - John happy for Nathalie to add text
- ‘circle summary and policy list’ to ‘circle work’
Check out
- someone else taking notes?
- excited for avenues for moving forward with trainings
- slight delay in forum notes refresh is challenging
XX-XX meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie, Pame
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 60 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements: none
- Next meeting: