Backlog (incomplete)
- GH tags for badges/ badges on forum
- Review Google Workspaces Best Practices
- Review sharing options for Google Docs for people outside the org (and maybe even without google account?) - archive
- How does IT circle understand the Google Workspace Best Practices? Idea: Renaming and moving from ‘Documentation’ to ‘Policies’
- offer GH training - did outreach reply?
- visit circles after their meeting
- Expand department circle audit for op roles
- Forum engagement
- Communication strategy
- Google Groups
- What to do with obsolete groups? E.g. merged into Movimientos regenerativos
- Do we create Google Groups on request, or automatically when a circle is newly created?
- how many circle information meta data do we want to have in our circle minutes?
Waiting for network model
- how do we display CoP in our org diagram?
- review Help Desk Directory (logkeeping/ IT support)
- schedule next training (see notes 06-27)
- circle role holder orientation
01-29 meeting @ co-working
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 30 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements: none
- Next meeting:
Agenda formation
- deal with role sub-category in policy manual
- proposal: come up with template response, respond to each role description in the legacy policy manual
- agreed!
- Nathalie will do
- encourage role descriptions on peerdom - how?
- start at our home circle - IT! (Nathalie still has action item around this)
- spread out from there
- enable chat on forum
- I want to do it! (John)
- some hesitance around roll-out - is it just another tool we offer but nobody knows?
- still just do it?
- talk to infrastucture and IT?
- more exploration around chat-tools and how they could integrate with SoFA
- doesn’t seem like a log keeping decision, more IT circle domain - or website? checking domain statements
- get input from @cj.oreilly (sys admin) and decide with them [John]
Check out
01-21 meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 30 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements: none
- Next meeting:
Agenda formation
- operational pieces from IT circle conversation 2024-10-21 role descriptions in peerdom
- review documentation and workflow
- where?
- can’t think of other places
- update [Nathalie]!
- deal with role sub-category in policy manual
- archive?
- transfer role descriptions?
- proposal: come up with template response, respond to each role description in the legacy policy manual
- change name of category to archived
- stop referring to role descriptions on forum
- continue in coworking tomorrow
- encourage role descriptions on peerdom
- how?
- review documentation and workflow
- enable chat on forum
Check out
XX-XX meeting
Check in
- Attendance: John, Nathalie
- Secretary: Nathalie
- Facilitator: John
- Duration: 30 min
- Minutes from last time:
- Announcements: none
- Next meeting: