Majority rules democracy vs sociocracy (dynamic governance) in schools

I’m performing a research project that involved interviews with students in a school using sociocracy. This quote perfectly summed up for me the cons of using majority rules vs the pros of using sociocracy:

“I feel like everyone feels more content with outcomes of things, whereas…if we’re like voting on something for the school, like a traditional democratic school, there’s like two options and it’s like, these are the only two things that can happen. And then one of them wins and the other side is just bummed out and they’re upset about it, but like, with dynamic governance (sociocracy) we can come to a consensus and explore options that we might not have considered before. And again, you know, have that compromise that makes everyone feel happy and heard.” - Morgan, 16, 10th grade

It reminded me of what I’ve seen in democratic schools, described here: Robert’s Rules and Sociocracy: A Comparison

What do you think? Have you experienced both systems, and if so what did you see?