Managing Objections - CoP for Facilitators 2/22/22

We had another rich discussion in the CoP meeting for facilitators of sociocratic circles today! The topic we discussed was Managing Objections where we explored how we navigate major objections as facilitators.

Key questions/ideas/tips that came up during our meeting:

  • How do we frame personal preference in navigating objections? Modeling the statement, “This is not my preference, but I do not object.” Creating space during picturing forming to allow for people to voice their preferences and emotions about the topic can help the objection round to be focused on more grounded objections.

  • It is important to focus on the aim when navigating objections and pose the question, “how does this proposal harm the aim?” Reviewing the circle aim at the start of each meeting can be a helpful practice.

  • Recognizing that, “objections are a gift to the circle,” and reminding the circle to welcome objections as an opportunity for improvement.

  • Completing the round before responding to objections.

  • “Connection before correction.” -Jerry Koch-Gonzalez; remembering to be compassionate in how we navigate objections. No one likes to be told they are wrong.

  • The closing round is a great place to repair any relationships that were damaged by what came up during the meeting. Make space for meetings outside of the meeting for relational reconnecting.

Do you use any of these strategies when navigating objections? What other ideas or practices would you add to this list? Tell us in the discussion down below! And join us at the Community of Practice for Facilitators of sociocratic circles monthly on the fourth Tuesday 16-17:30 UTC (11am-12:30pm EST). Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 22nd.

Do you want to join this, or any other CoP, but can’t make the meeting time? Reach out to and let us know. If there is enough interest, we may launch a second meeting space for this Community of Practice.