Considering that the post was made in the “SoFA members Discussion” category, I thought it would not be inappropriate to comment.
I’m doing it cautiously, because I’ve already been told not to comment in groups I’m not part of, because people might “get scared”, not knowing who I am and why I’m commenting there, but here there is an explicit request “to hear thoughts on the topic.”
There are many “problems” or “tensions” in the world that could be solved if there was more availability for voices to be heard and decisions to be made together by groups of people who associate to fulfill one goal or another, climate change being just one of these isues.
I think that here, as on any other subject, the “collective intelligence” of those who act together could definitely bring some “added value” in all circumstances, so sociocracy would be useful to be known and implemented.
Watching the video recording, I appreciated the fact that make known the values and principles of sociocracy where people are already acting, would be appropriate, both for SoFA and for those groups.
In my opinion, wherever we direct and focus our attention, it would be useful to consider the following aspects when planning to be of help in a sustainable and long-term way.
There are several stages that could cover the same needs (internal and external) but each time at a higher level.
The spiral that I propose you to take into consider in relation to the involvement of SoFA could include (but not limited to):
- Presence
- Visibility
- Popularity
- Credibility
- Notoriety
- Reputation
Of course, in different fields, SoFA already has a certain share in relation to each layer mentioned above.
However, I think it would be useful for the future involvement to be systematic and to ensure that each of these aspects is as well “filled” as possible before moving on to the next one, as irreversibly as possible.
Also, let’s remember “to bring the skill of self-governance into every corner of society.”
Approaching areas of interest makes sense, because not everything can be done at once.
The areas you already have in mind could be bridgeheads for a focused approach.
At the same time, I believe that investing in the popularization of sociocracy through mass education would prepare the future without limiting itself to the present.
Working with researchers in universities on the so called “MARS” project (Metasynthesis and Research on Sociocracy) is a wonderful aproach to make new connections.
How about having a more active social involvement through a kind of “ambassadors for sociocracy”? Having a mission, can we have a “missionary work” or not?
For example, in the explanatory dictionary of my native language, the word sociocracy doesn’t even exist, and what people don’t know they don’t recognize as something valuable.
I guess that by sowing sociocracy into as many minds and hearts as possible, we will end up not needing a dictionary to recognize sociocracy.
If I had to choose, I would focus on continuing education, distributed among all age groups.
It might not be effective for immediate results, but we would make sure that we can speak “the sociocracy language” with more people in the near future.
I am not only a Romanian, but a world citizen. Thanks.
Adrian Zarif, your friend.