Nonprofit & NGO Sector Conference Coordinator

This role lives in Nonprofit and NGO Circle.

The Conference Date is still TBD.

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Nonprofit & NGO Sector Conference Programming Coordinator

Circle holding the role: NGO & Nonprofit Circle, Sector Conference Helping Circle (when created)
Aim & activities Represent the sector circle hosting the conference, curate the conference program, handle partnership/sponsor coordination, and act as Master of Ceremony for the conference event (or secure an emcee from within the sector circle).
  • Represent the interests of the sector circle ensuring that the sector circle’s vision and voice is maintained in all aspects of the conference production (website narrative and visuals, promotional materials, any other narrative and/or visuals created for the conference)
    • Communicate with Sector Circle
      • Give sector circle reports on conference developments
      • Facilitate sector engagement;
        • solicit feedback on materials, when necessary
        • encourage sector members to promote the conference within their networks, share the call for submissions, participate in opening and closing sessions, and volunteer to host zoom rooms on conference day
    • Communicate with Helping Circle
      • Give Helping Circle reports on feedback from sector circle
      • Provide the narrative for conference website to the Web Content Publishing representative in the conference helping circle
      • Provide ticket pricing details to the Web Content Publishing representative in the conference helping circle
      • Provide any other copy needed for conference promotional materials, as requested
  • Curate the conference program
    • Write call for proposals with submission criteria and deadline
    • Contact presenters to notify them of acceptance or rejection
    • Provide all presenter’s bios, presentation descriptions, and photos to Web Content Publishing representative in the conference helping circle for the web page
    • Presenter support: Communicate with conference presenters throughout the conference planning process and provide them with information regarding conference flow and expectations; handle any questions or concerns that presenters may have
    • Create the conference program, including planning the opening and closing sessions (with support and feedback from sector and helping circles)
    • Oversee curation of any part of the program that may be offered in multiple languages; act as liaison for the multi-language coordinators
  • Coordinate partnership/sponsor agreements for the event
    • Contact potential partners/sponsors
    • Set agreements and ensure that the agreements are followed
    • Provide any partner/sponsor logos or visuals to the Promo & Outreach role-holder as well as the Web Content Publishing representative in the conference helping circle to ensure that they are integrated into promotional materials and webpage
  • Master of Ceremony of conference on conference day
    • Emcee the opening and closing sessions of the conference, or otherwise secure a master of ceremony from within the sector circle
Guided by: (workflows, policies; decisions they can make alone, etc.) The decisions of the NGO & Nonprofit Circle, The decisions of the Sector Conference Helping Circle, The Guidance of Conference Circle delegates to the Sector Conference Helping Circle
Qualifications Has to be a member of the sector circle hosting the conference.
Handoffs to other circles/roles To other SoFA operational Roles from Conferences and Web Content Publishing Circles
More context?
Hours/week or month ~60 hrs per conference
Pay Starting at $15/hr
Is the pay rate $15? If not, please indicate the rationale. Policy Onboarding workflow Is this a barter? If yes, please indicate whether the barter will translate into paid work.
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