SoFA Discussion Forums Meta

It’s feels like a conversation about the design and structure of the SoFA forums is missing in the forums.Something beyond the IT related matters but the actual flow of it. I’m not sure who the best person to discuss this with is? @TedRau @hope.wilder @cj.oreilly

Two examples:

  1. There is no direct link from the SoFA website to the discussion forums.
  2. The drop down hover function in the SoFA website is not present on the header of the discussion forums.

These are semi-IT but there might be a reason why there is no link re point number one for example. I have some other ‘meta’ discussion forums ideas.

Hey Brad,

Thanks for reaching out, I replied via email but in case other admins are reading, I’ll send that message again - but with an extra bonus about forums meta :slight_smile:

Thanks for reaching out! :slight_smile:

Your Qs

1, The forums are not linked yet because we are still in the soft launch and are primarily only announcing the forums to sofa members until the full public launch.

  1. The extended menu options don’t exist because the functionality of the forums platform is different than the main website, and because maintaining the extra options is a little cumbersome.

To navigate to the sub menu options, one can go to the main website and find them.

Other Qs

If you have any other questions don’t hesitate ask, and though or the general or members IT Help category or the SoFA Members IT Support category on the forums are the best ways to ask :slight_smile:

Forums Meta

I also created a SoFA discussion Forums Meta category, since you said you’ve got more meta topics. Feel free to make some topics there if it feels like a better fit than a support request :slight_smile:

System Administrator
Sociocracy for All

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HI @cj.oreilly cool, all sorted wert posting.

Regading number 1 above understood. I figured that it might be a soft-launch reason. Regarding number 2, that’s a pity but probably not a big deal.

I’ll give the other meta matters some more thought and post accordingly! :slight_smile: