Stakeholders in sociocracy

“Currently working through Who Decides, Who Decides to see if it suits our circumstance. We are 19 households that are co-owners through strata of a shed, Street trees, orchard, chicken yard, creek, playground, large battery, and electric vehicle charger. Technically this shared infrastructure is managed through strata laws and traditional voting and council. We would like our decisions to be consensus based ( I am preparing to propose consent based). I am trying to understand how stakeholder voices can be heard in sociocracy? As the use of this shared infrastructure can have impacts on residents that don’t necessarily want to be involved in the running of the asset. In my mind they still have a right to their concerns being addressed.”

Hey there
I’m not sure whether you mean stakeholders from the outside (non-members) or from the inside (members who aren’t in that particular decision-making circle). But the answer is almost the same, it’s via feedback. No circle should make a decision without feedback appropriate to the topic. That’s where all-member meetings in a community come in handy, or written feedback, or literally walking up to the people we know are affected and talking to them. Their voices should also come through via information flow and linking, but direct contact is always better.
Outside stakeholders are similar, just that we might create a stakeholder circle as a subcircle under the Mission Circle (outside of operations) to make sure there’s an institutional connection. But the same applies, get feedback to make good, sustainable decisions. Outrage and friction don’t make for a good organization, and early and appropriate feedback helps keep things smooth.

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