What is more important in sociocracy, learning or practicing?

In sociocracy, both learning and practicing are important and go hand in hand. They are interconnected and mutually reinforcing elements of the sociocratic approach.

Here’s why both aspects are crucial:


Learning is fundamental in sociocracy because it helps members understand and internalize the principles, values, and processes of sociocratic governance.

By engaging in learning activities, such as training sessions, workshops, or study groups, members gain knowledge about sociocracy’s concepts, tools, and methodologies. Learning enables members to develop a shared understanding of sociocratic principles and practices, facilitating effective implementation and application.

Learning in sociocracy helps members:

  1. Understand the underlying principles and values of sociocracy.
  2. Acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to participate actively in decision-making processes.
  3. Familiarize themselves with sociocratic tools and processes, such as consent-based decision-making, circle structure, and double-linking.
  4. Develop a shared language and vocabulary to facilitate effective communication within the organization.
  5. Explore case studies and real-world examples of sociocratic implementations, providing insights and inspiration for their own practice.


Practicing sociocracy is equally important because it allows members to apply the principles and methodologies in real-life situations.

It is through practice that members gain hands-on experience and develop competency in sociocratic processes. Practicing sociocracy fosters a culture of collaboration, accountability, and continuous improvement within the organization.

Practicing sociocracy helps members:

  1. Implement sociocratic decision-making processes in their circles and teams.
  2. Experience the benefits and challenges of distributed authority and self-organization.
  3. Collaborate in consent-based decision-making, integrating objections and finding integrative solutions.
  4. Develop communication and facilitation skills to foster effective meetings and discussions.
  5. Reflect on the outcomes and learn from both successes and failures, fostering continuous improvement.

The integration of learning and practice in sociocracy allows for a cyclical process of knowledge acquisition, application, reflection, and refinement.

Organizations that prioritize both learning and practicing create an environment where members continuously deepen their understanding of sociocracy and refine their skills through practical application.

This iterative process promotes growth, adaptability, and the ongoing development of sociocratic practices within the organization.

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Best wishes.