Where to get started learning about sociocracy in schools?

There is a lot of information out there on sociocracy in schools, if you know how to find it! The following is a sampler of links to choose from. Also check out SoFA’s schools landing page for much, much more.

Videos from School Circles film:

Consent Decision with students

How a school circle works

Sociocratic Schools - Annewiek Reijmer


Sociocracy with Children and Other People

Consent Decision-Making for Student Voice

The following focus specifically on adoption of sociocracy with school staff:

A Framework Schools Can Use to Make Better Decisions (Edutopia article)

Creating the conditions for reflective team practices examining sociocracy as a self organizing governance model (1).pdf (Academic article written about Rainbow School in NC, USA)

And… recently, A high school student in Austria wrote a thesis about Sociocracy in Schools

Case studies:

LOS: A non-traditional school environment sociocracy case study (Netherlands)

Enkindle Village School Case Study (Australia)

La Croisée des Chemins: A school using sociocracy (France)

SoFA Conference presentation sampler:
Building Sociocracy into Morey Flextech High School (a little outdated from where we are currently at, but still might be helpful)

Sociocracy in Schools

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