AZ Sociocracy in Quotes #001
Many Voices One Song - shared power with sociocracy (a sociocracy manual):
The assumption of sociocracy is that sharing power requires a plan. Power is everywhere all the time, and it does not appear or disappear – someone will be holding it. We have to be intentional about how we want to distribute it. Power is like water: it will go somewhere and it tends to accumulate in clusters: the more power a group has, the more resources they will have to aggregate more power. The only way to counterbalance the concentration of power is intentionality and thoughtful implementation.
- sharing power requires a plan
- power is everywhere all the time and … someone will be holding it
- we have to be intentional about how we want to distribute the power
- power is like water: it will go somewhere and … it tends to accumulate in clusters
- the more power a group has, the more resources they will have to aggregate more power
- there is a way to counterbalance the concentration of power
Power, like water, is neither good nor bad. In huge clusters and used against the people, power will be highly destructive. Used to serve the people and the earth, distributed to places where it can work toward meeting the needs of the people and the earth, power is constructive, creative, and nourishing like an irrigation system.
- power is neither good nor bad
- power could be either constructive or distructive
- in huge clusters and used against the people, power will be highly destructive
- used to serve the people and the earth distributed to places where it can work toward meeting the needs of the people and the earth, power is constructive, creative, and nourishing like an irrigation system
[…] We avoid large clusters of power, and we make sure there is flow. Water that is allowed to flow will stay fresh and will reach all the places in the garden, nourishing each plant to flourish. Sociocratic organizations nourish and empower each team to have the agency to flourish and contribute toward the organization’s mission.
- we avoid large clusters of power and … we make sure there is flow
- water that is allowed to flow will stay fresh and will reach all the places in the garden, nourishing each plant to flourish
- sociocratic organizations nourish and empower each team to have the agency to flourish and contribute toward the organization’s mission
The principles of sociocracy are wonderful. I guess that if we implement them properly, we could progress together, without anyone being left behind.
Your friend,
because I care