AZ Sociocracy in Quotes #002

AZ Sociocracy in Quotes #002

Many Voices One Song - shared power with sociocracy (a sociocracy manual):


[…] our sociocratic organizations differ from organizations with aggregated, centralized hierarchical power in two ways:

  • We distribute power more evenly. Those who come with less agency get support to step into more agency. Those who come with more sense of agency contribute toward the whole without diminishing anyone else’s power. Teams doing work together are empowered to contribute.

  • We let power flow. Flow means the distribution of power needs to be adjusted and potentially changed over time. The sociocratic organization is adaptable and resilient.


  • the sociocratic organizations distribute power more evenly
  • those who come with less agency get support to step into more agency
  • those who come with more sense of agency contribute toward the whole without diminishing anyone else’s power
  • the sociocratic organization is adaptable and resilient


Building a system that distributes power by empowering everyone requires thought and intentionality. That is what sociocracy is: the design principles for distributing power in a way that flows with life.


  • we want to build a system that distributes power by empowering everyone
  • this requires thought and intentionality
  • what sociocracy is - the design principles for distributing power in a way that flows with life


What kind of world do we want to live in? The way we answer this question is: We want to live in a world where people support each other, consider each other and help each other meet needs. A collaborative world.


  • what kind of world do we want to live in?
  • we want to live in a world where people support each other
  • we want to live in a world where people consider each other
  • we want to live in a world where people help each other meet needs
  • we want to live in a collaborative world

The principles of sociocracy are wonderful. I guess that if we implement them properly, we could progress together, without anyone being left behind.

Your friend,
because I care

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