AZ Sociocracy in Quotes #005

AZ Sociocracy in Quotes #005

Many Voices One Song - shared power with sociocracy (a sociocracy manual):

1.1.2 Principles


Good enough for now and safe enough to try are the two key slogans of sociocracy. They mean that we can act on an idea that is not perfect. The key to this principle is that it allows for agency, flow and learning instead of keeping us static.


  • good enough for now
  • safe enough to try
  • we can act on an idea that is not perfect
  • allows for agency, flow and learning instead of keeping us static


Intentionality: when we do things with intentionality, we have agency. We are in choice over what we do.


  • when we do things with intentionality, we have agency
  • when we do things with intentionality we are in choice over what we do


Tensions point to lack of clarity: when there is tension, it is not because someone is to blame but because there is lack of clarity on domains, about roles or about someone’s needs. Tensions are typically a sign that we do not yet understand what is going on. Tensions are an invitation to explore. We don’t want connection and creativity to be shut down by conflict avoidance or moralistic judgment (“right and wrong” thinking).


  • tensions point to lack of clarity
  • tension, it is not because someone is to blame
  • tension is because there is lack of clarity (domains, roles, needs)
  • tensions are an invitation to explore
  • we don’t want connection and creativity to be shut down by conflict avoidance or moralistic judgment (“right and wrong” thinking)


Effectiveness: we want to know that what we are doing works, is useful, and matters.


  • effectiveness
  • we want to know that what we are doing works
  • we want to know that what we are doing is useful
  • we want to know that what we are doing matters

The principles of sociocracy are wonderful. I guess that if we implement them properly, we could progress together, without anyone being left behind.

Your friend,
because I care