AZ Sociocracy in Quotes #008

AZ Sociocracy in Quotes #008

Many Voices One Song - shared power with sociocracy (a sociocracy manual):

1.2.1 Design-principles vs. tools


To us, running organizations in alignment with principles is more important than a particular strategy. For example, running an organization where all needs are considered is more important than performing a consent round ‘by the book’ – even this book! The consent round is only a tool to ensure the principle of equivalence.


  • running organizations in alignment with principles is more important than a particular strategy
  • running an organization where all needs are considered is more important than performing a consent round ‘by the book’
  • the consent round is only a tool to ensure the principle of equivalence


If readers can find a better way to live the principle of equivalence than what we are presenting here (without compromising effectiveness), do it. In that case, please share so others can benefit as well! To us, sociocracy is a mindset: the mindset that all needs matter, always. The needs of those who we serve, the needs of those who work together, the needs of all interdependent life on the planet, and the needs of the generations to come.


  • if you can find a better way to live the principle of equivalence than what we are presenting here (without compromising effectiveness), do it
  • please share so others can benefit as well
  • sociocracy is a mindset: the mindset that all needs matter, always
  • the needs of those who we serve
  • the needs of those who work together
  • the needs of all interdependent life on the planet
  • the needs of the generations to come

The principles of sociocracy are wonderful. I guess that if we implement them properly, we could progress together, without anyone being left behind.

Your friend,
because I care