AZ Sociocracy in Quotes #012

AZ Sociocracy in Quotes #012

Many Voices One Song - shared power with sociocracy (a sociocracy manual):

1.3 Sociocracy in context


The sociocratic lineage of Sociocracy For All is “classical” sociocracy - meaning directly from Gerard Endenburg and the Sociocratic Circle Method that he and others developed. […] We do not intend with this book to start another variation, and we view any fragmentation of the movement around circle-based power with some sadness and skepticism. Our intent is to be Sociocracy For All, which – for us – means that we support any effort to spread sociocracy and sociocracy related education and application.


  • the sociocratic lineage of Sociocracy For All is “classical” sociocracy - meaning directly from Gerard Endenburg and the Sociocratic Circle Method that he and others developed
  • we do not intend with this book to start another variation
  • our intent is to be Sociocracy For All
  • we support any effort to spread sociocracy and sociocracy related education and application


The combination of sociocracy being grounded in community and equal voice had a special appeal in intentional communities. Different from consensus, sociocracy balances the needs of a group with that of the individual which is essential to keep a community sane. Intentional communities were (and many still are) grappling with their own governance, but they are places where:

  • There is not the endless see-saw of power or domination by majority rule.
  • Accountability is to the whole, not only to the supervisor.
  • Leadership is distributed.
  • No one can be ignored.


  • combination of sociocracy being grounded in community and equal voice had a special appeal in intentional communities
  • sociocracy balances the needs of a group with that of the individual which is essential to keep a community sane
  • no endless see-saw of power or domination by majority rule
  • accountability is to the whole, not only to the supervisor
  • leadership is distributed
  • no one can be ignored


Because people have different priorities that they see in sociocracy, their responses will be very different. We would like to honor the variety of experiences by just making a list of original quotes of people stating what sociocracy means to them.


  • people have different priorities that they see in sociocracy
  • people’s responses to sociocracy will be very different
  • we would like to honor the variety of experiences
  • we made a list of original quotes of people stating what sociocracy means to them


What does sociocracy mean to you?
All voices are heard and valued.”
Attention to everyone, helping everyone gain their voice and rational dealing with policy proposals, helps make everyone a more responsible member.”
“Sociocracy makes it less likely that things are swept under the rug because objections are encouraged and sought out.”
Sociocracy are about collective learning and adapting to circumstances.”
“It allows more voices and decision-making process and therefore more transparency in decision-making for the whole organization.”
“It empowers its members.”
“It taps into groups’ collective intelligence.”
As curiosity is the beginning of intelligence, Sociocracy is the beginning of effective collaboration.”


  • all voices are heard and valued
  • attention to everyone
  • helping everyone gain their voice
  • rational dealing with policy proposals
  • helps make everyone a more responsible member
  • objections are encouraged and sought out
  • sociocracy is about collective learning
  • sociocracy is about adapting to circumstances
  • sociocracy allows more voices and more transparency in decision-making for the whole organization
  • sociocracy empowers its members
  • sociocracy taps into groups’ collective intelligence
  • as curiosity is the beginning of intelligence, sociocracy is the beginning of effective collaboration

The principles of sociocracy are wonderful. I guess that if we implement them properly, we could progress together, without anyone being left behind.

Your friend,
because I care