Climate ELCs: where we are and what to do next

Hi! I (with both WCPer and Intl GC leader hats) started this thread because after a few months of operational work by a few people, it may be good to see where we are at and what to do next.

status quo

So this is what I know:

  • English (Deciding Together): stand alone version of the original ELC. It’s up and running. Any needs? @TedRau
  • Spanish (Basicos): paid but accessible for free for climate activists. It’s up and running. Any needs? @alex.rodriguez
  • Portuguese (Decidindo em conjunto) it’s free for activists, and donation-based for those that are not. It’s getting tested. Any feedback to integrate? @sanket.bihari
  • French (Decider Ensemble): free for activists. It’s getting tested. As WCPer, I still need to create a way to buy it if you’re not an activist. Any feedback to integrate? @roberto.bonino @audree.morin
  • German ([Gemeinsam Entscheiden): free for activists. I need to test the funnel then ready for testing. Anything I forgot about? @TedRau
  • Hebrew: @lea.shani how’s your work going? Do you need any support?
  • Italian (Decidere Insieme): I was finally going to record and edit the last two sessions and my pc decided it wasn’t capable anymore. Now I’ve got a new pc and once I’m not a nomad anymore I’ll complete the job (expected first half of August incl. publishing)
  • Polish: @aleksandra.jach reached out to me for localising the course. we’ll get started soon
  • Anyone I’m forgetting about?


I received some great promotional content from @aleksandra.jach and I wonder how we should proceed with it. I guess for English outreach, Social Media and Outreach Circles are already onboard, right @TedRau?

For all the others language circles, I wonder if there’s any capacity to deal with promotion autonomously. Shall we join forces? I’ve got two nice things to share about this: a few months ago, @alessandro.villella from SoPra and I as SoItalia member briefly explored the possibility for synchronisation and mutual support between LCs in relation to marketing and communication. It seems now that SoPra created a functioning circle for this and may be up for working in this direction. I had a similar discussion (of an International Social Media/Outreach Support Circle) with @alma_gisela.garcia_g as well as @pia.rohn some weeks ago too. I wonder if the Climate ELC promotion could be an opportunity to test this idea of building some common infrastructure or at least for some sort of community of practice related to this. What are your thoughts about this?

Or @aleksandra.jach and @TedRau did you have an idea about ELCs promotion?

anything else?

I think there were some other questions that were raised now that some projects are coming to the final stage, like related to coaching. Maybe this is the right space to share them as it may be complicated in terms of domain to know who to ask – I don’t have that full clarity.


tagging a few more because I was allowed to do only 10 tags: @cristina.cintrao @francine.proulx-kenz @david.cebrian_tarras for their respective LC’s ELCs

ELC in french
Last time I checked, there were still 2 videos in English.
Logging in is a bit cumbersome. I had difficulties and Francine is still trying

for promotion we plnan to start with Audrée.
teaming up sounds like a good idea.
I created LinkedIn, FB and Insta pages.


Adding here some brief info from @alma_gisela.garcia_g

I’m following up with the communication of the Climate English ELC and bringing this to SoPra E today. I’ve been writing to many climate justice organizations in the US to offer the training.

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We are still in testing with the pilot organization, so far only praise. I started offering the coaching sessions too.

About the promotion, any help would be very welcome, this is our biggest difficulty.

If there is a Canva artwork that we can all translate and use the same visual identity, it would help me soooo much

We plan to work with Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp groups, newsletter, and our personals linked ins
And we are trying to reach out some influencers too, so that they repost our content


Who isinterested in working on a “physical” presentation to be delivered at public spaces like impactHu covering :

  • Brief Introduction to sociocracy, 20 mins
  • Intro to the course 10min
  • Promote SOFA’s other resources: IC meetup conference, Booklet, Books . . …10 mins
  • Question and answer section. 10 mins

the presentation can then be localized for the different LC


Promotional tools and contacts.
I wanted to put it in the root post, as discussed at yesterday’s IntC, but cannot edit it

Some promotional material made by Aleksandra , shared by Thomas at IntC



@aleksandra.jach @TedRau could you support us with accessing the wevideo?

@pia.rohn were you talking about that tool to actually generate these memes in our own languages?

:raised_hands: I’m happy to join!

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Last Thursday I offer the first coaching session!!
for the organization in the pilot

Can anyone tell me how I set these hours? I mean, which Circle and QB Class
@TedRau @thomas.kemps :upside_down_face:


and the meme generator for us to create on our own languages: Meme Generator - Imgflip

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What does not work in editing the video? I’m happy to help.

The basic steps are:

1 . You open the link
2. Make a copy of the file (main menu)
3. In the bottom of the page there is a timeline with multiple tracks (graphics, text, video, voice over). Click on one of the frames. Then on the “edit” button above the timeline. Now you can insert the text in your language and save it. Do it with other text frames.

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I used canva generator (you can edit memes in this program):

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Hi! I think some people don’t have Ted’s login and can’t access WiVideo in edit mode.
I suggest exporting your video so everyone can see it and give feedback, and when it’s final, we can all start translating it in our own laguages? For that, at least one person per circle will need to have Ted’s log in, but I think they should aks him that directly. That’s what I did.

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Hi! I like the promo tools :slight_smile:
Here is some things I would improve:

Video: I would make it more obvious that the course is free, like repeating it towards the end and writing it at the center of the screen in bold or something like that. Also, I would add 3 images about what sociocracy is, the 3 key elements.

Memes: I love the 3rd and 4th ones, I don’t see enough connection with the course for the 1, 4 and 5th.

I’d be happy to translate these in french once we’ve received more feedback from others and we consider them final!

Also, I think it would be great to have access to the canva images of the course page, to translate them and integrate them in the newsletter. But, even better, if we could have access to the newsletter already built (in Groundhogg??) and we just have to translate that, rather than rebuilding it.

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About group coaching/communities of practice. When we made the agreement for the ELC translation, we said we would deal with coaching later. I feel like the time is coming. We might need a meeting for that?? All languages together, or one by one with… who?? Finance circle??

Thank you so much, @thomas.kemps

I think now with so many of them finally online, it would be good to meet and talk about outreach and promotion. I know I could use a shared meeting to wrap my head around next steps.

That sounds fantastic! Let’s do it.

I would love to meet about outreach and promotion, and also about coaching agreements! Is it @thomas.kemps , as the leader, who will convene this meeting? Will you do a meeting poll to find a time?

Coaching: @TedRau
We are 3 people interested at SOFRA to be coaches: Francine, Roberto and me.
We need to set a financial agreement, both for the regular coaching with one group, and for the “community of practice” coaching session for climate activists. I don’t know who needs to consent to a financial agreement for coaching. Is it with this Climate ELC circle? With training circle?? I also would like to know what are the requirements to be a Climate ELC coach.
It would be great to have this agreement ready when we launch the training, because we have promised free coaching to activists!