Discover SoFA Communities of Practice
Knowledge sharing paves the road to success wherein effective collaboration is needed between different people or different working groups inside an organization based on sociocracy.
Collaboration availability and nonviolent communication skills are essential to have the work done well inside a circle, or between circles.
Another important thing for success are the common objectives of those who work together in the same circle / domain.
The benefits of knowledge sharing can be rightly understood in terms of feelings of recognition gained by the people working together.
To have good results we also need access to the needed information and know-how.
Do we have a sense of togetherness inside our sociocratic organizations?
To work efficient we split the general aim and domain in many circles aims and domains so, we work separately while still being connected.
How could we compensate the operational “delimitations” to still have a human togetherness inside the organization.
How could we be more efficient in facilitating the flow of information?
How could we really grow not knowing or not being interested more about each other.
I guess we could connect more doing something together, even if we are not members in the same circle.
Communities of practice could bring people together outside their working circles. There people could practice and learn in the same time without the burden of an expected output in a certain amount of time.
A community of practice is not only a learning space, but a space for sharing experiences and know each other, a connection and networking space.
Do we appreciate enough the opportunities offered by our communities of practice?
Moreover, sharing of knowledge involving the transfer of knowledge from more experienced to less experienced people also contributes to enhancing organizational productivity and performance as a whole.
I invite you to become more familiar with these communities of practice and I guess you will find one that suits your needs in sociocracy.
I am a member in the Community of Practice for Facilitators (CoP-F) and I invite you to find more and eventually become a member of this community by registering here:
Community of Practice for Facilitators information and registration page..

If you want to share some power by sharing knowledge and real life sociocratic experiences, I invite you to do it in our Community of Practice for Facilitators meetings.
Meeting time:
The meeting for this group is on the second Monday of each month for 90 minutes.
There are two different events on the same day:
CoP-F East: at 14:00 UTC
(for zones like Asia, Europe, Africa and eastern North America)
CoP-F West: at 18:30 UTC
(for zones like western North America, South America or Asia-Pacific).
We want to offer everybody the opportunity to choose a convenient meeting according to their/her/his time zone.
Community of Practice for Facilitators (CoP-F) disscusion forum page:
Meeting Facilitation and Decision Making Sheet article:
In the Community of Practice for Facilitators (CoP-F) no one teaches anyone, but we all learn from each other by practicing and sharing real life experiences.
We welcome your presence and contribution. It will enrich all of our sociocracy knowledge.
Best wishes to all of you!
(to be continued)